
The Value of Business Models

Learn the value of business models and essential tools to help you develop a sound business model for sustainable success.

1259 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语, 德语, 西班牙语, 法语


What a business model is

Why business models matter to your firm and the value they bring

How business model innovation improves business performance

How tooling can help you to innovate your business model


Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start?

Having an innovative business model is key for a profitable business and growth. In this business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new business models for sustainable success.

This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model.

Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to improve your own business.



Week 1 &2: Why BMI?

What is a BM?
What’s the payoff?
How can I get ideas to improve my BM?

Week 3 & 4: BMI in my daily life

What makes a valuable BM?
How does BMI help me in strategy making?
How can BMI help me to formulate concrete actions?

Week 5 & 6: BM tooling

How can tooling help me to do BMI?
Can I do BMI?
Do I have the skills?
Who can help me do BMI? How can this course help me to do BMI?


Secondary school; basic notions about business and/or practical business experience

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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