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Unity 3D艺术家认证 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界

Unity 3D艺术家认证

Unity Certified 3D Artist


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  • 完成时间大约为 4 个月
  • 中级
  • 英语


这是Unity的官方系列课程,旨在帮助您为Unity认证3D艺术家考试做好准备,该考试是使用Unity平台的入门级到中级3D艺术家的认证。这一系列课程适用于使用Unity进行1 – 2年实时渲染的3D艺术家,并准备将他们现有的技能提升到专业标准。


Asset Creation and Management

Welcome to Asset Creation and Management, the first course in the Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization from Unity Technologies. The courses in this series will help you prepare for the Unity Certified 3D Artist exam, the professional certification for entry- to mid-level Unity artists. 3D artists are critical to the Unity development pipeline. They are a bridge between the programmers writing the application code and the designers or art directors who define the application’s aesthetics and style. In these courses, you will be challenged to complete realistic art implementation tasks in Unity that are aligned to the topics covered on the exam. Throughout this first course, you will be tasked with completing the asset setup for a Kitchen Configurator application - an app that lets users view a realistic rendering of a kitchen and swap out objects and materials to customize the design. The first steps will find you importing assets into a Unity project, troubleshooting common import issues, and tweaking the materials. Finally, you’ll create and organize Prefabs in a way that will work with the application code. By the end of the course, you’ll have a clean and organized Unity project that is ready for the next stage: lighting. This is an intermediate course, intended for people who are ready for their first paying roles as Unity 3D artists, or enthusiasts who would like to verify their skills against a professional standard. To succeed, you should have at least 1-2 years of experience implementing 3D art in Unity. You should be proficient at importing assets into Unity from Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, prototyping scenes, working with lighting, and adding particles and effects. You should also have a basic understanding of 2D asset management, animation, and working with scripts. You should have experience in the full product development lifecycle, and understand multi-platform development, including for XR (AR and VR) platforms.

Lighting, Reflection, and Post Processing Effects

Welcome to Lighting, Reflection, and Post-Processing Effects, the second course in the Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization from Unity Technologies. The courses in this series will help you prepare for the Unity Certified 3D Artist exam, the professional certification for entry- to mid-level Unity artists. 3D artists are critical to the Unity development pipeline. They are a bridge between the programmers writing the application code and the designers or art directors who define the application’s aesthetics and style. In these courses, you will be challenged to complete realistic art implementation tasks in Unity that are aligned to the topics covered on the exam. In this second course, you will continue work on the Kitchen Configurator application - an app that lets users view a realistic rendering of a kitchen and swap out objects and materials to customize the design. The scene will really start to come to life as you add lighting effects including ambient lighting from a custom skybox, simulated sunlight, interior lights, and realistic reflections. Finally, you’ll use Unity’s Post-Processing Stack to add even more polish to the rendered scene. By the end of the course, you’ll have a scene ready for the next stage: adding interactions through scripts. This is an intermediate course, intended for people who are ready for their first paying roles as Unity 3D artists, or enthusiasts who would like to verify their skills against a professional standard. To succeed, you should have at least 1-2 years of experience implementing 3D art in Unity. You should be proficient at importing assets into Unity from Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, prototyping scenes, working with lighting, and adding particles and effects. You should also have a basic understanding of 2D asset management, animation, and working with scripts. You should have experience in the full product development lifecycle, and understand multi-platform development, including for XR (AR and VR) platforms.

Integrating Scripts for Scene Interactions

Welcome to Integrating Scripts for Scene Interactions, the third course in the Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization from Unity Technologies. The courses in this series will help you prepare for the Unity Certified 3D Artist exam, the professional certification for entry- to mid-level Unity artists. 3D artists are critical to the Unity development pipeline. They are a bridge between the programmers writing the application code and the designers or art directors who define the application’s aesthetics and style. In these courses, you will be challenged to complete realistic art implementation tasks in Unity that are aligned to the topics covered on the exam. In this third course, you will complete work on the Kitchen Configurator application - an app that lets users view a realistic rendering of a kitchen and swap out objects and materials to customize the design. Now you’ll work on the allowing users to actually interact with your beautiful design. You’ll implement a User Interface (UI) in Unity and add some pre-written scripts to the project to make it interactive. Finally, you’ll adapt the project to VR with by bringing the UI into world space. By the end of the course, you’ll have a functioning Kitchen Configurator app that would be ready to take to the final stages of production and launch. This is an intermediate course, intended for people who are ready for their first paying roles as Unity 3D artists, or enthusiasts who would like to verify their skills against a professional standard. To succeed, you should have at least 1-2 years of experience implementing 3D art in Unity. You should be proficient at importing assets into Unity from Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, prototyping scenes, working with lighting, and adding particles and effects. You should also have a basic understanding of 2D asset management, animation, and working with scripts. You should have experience in the full product development lifecycle, and understand multi-platform development, including for XR (AR and VR) platforms.

Character Setup and Animation

Welcome to Character Setup and Animation, the fourth course in the Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization from Unity Technologies. The courses in this series will help you prepare for the Unity Certified 3D Artist exam, the professional certification for entry- to mid-level Unity artists. 3D artists are critical to the Unity development pipeline. They are a bridge between the programmers writing the application code and the designers or art directors who define the application’s aesthetics and style. In these courses, you will be challenged to complete realistic art implementation tasks in Unity that are aligned to the topics covered on the exam. In courses 4 and 5, you will work on a sci-fi themed 3D adventure game. You’ll import assets and create effects that are more stylish and cartoony than the realistic kitchen in the previous courses. For this course, you will first import the assets for the main character, then get her animations working with an Animator Controller. Next, you’ll create a procedural camera to follow her movements using Unity’s Cinemachine system. Finally, you’ll learn how to use Unity’s Collaborate service for effective version control, and you’ll wrap up the course with a peer reviewed project. This is an intermediate course, intended for people who are ready for their first paying roles as Unity 3D artists, or enthusiasts who would like to verify their skills against a professional standard. To succeed, you should have at least 1-2 years of experience implementing 3D art in Unity. You should be proficient at importing assets into Unity from Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, prototyping scenes, working with lighting, and adding particles and effects. You should also have a basic understanding of 2D asset management, animation, and working with scripts. You should have experience in the full product development lifecycle, and understand multi-platform development, including for XR (AR and VR) platforms.

Creating Cutscenes in Unity

Welcome to Creating Cutscenes in Unity, the fifth course in the Unity Certified 3D Artist Specialization from Unity Technologies. The courses in this series will help you prepare for the Unity Certified 3D Artist exam, the professional certification for entry- to mid-level Unity artists. 3D artists are critical to the Unity development pipeline. They are a bridge between the programmers writing the application code and the designers or art directors who define the application’s aesthetics and style. In these courses, you will be challenged to complete realistic art implementation tasks in Unity that are aligned to the topics covered on the exam. In course 5, you will continue your work on the sci-fi themed 3D adventure game and create an animated cutscene for the game. You’ll construct an environment for the cutscene from the game’s assets, manage LOD groups for optimal graphics performance, add particle effects, block out the cameras that will capture the action, and finally animate the cameras and objects to generate the scene. Oh, and for those players that just can’t sit through cutscenes, you’ll wire up a “skip” button so that they can jump into the action. This is an intermediate course, intended for people who are ready for their first paying roles as Unity 3D artists, or enthusiasts who would like to verify their skills against a professional standard. To succeed, you should have at least 1-2 years of experience implementing 3D art in Unity. You should be proficient at importing assets into Unity from Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools, prototyping scenes, working with lighting, and adding particles and effects. You should also have a basic understanding of 2D asset management, animation, and working with scripts. You should have experience in the full product development lifecycle, and understand multi-platform development, including for XR (AR and VR) platforms.


这些课程适用于任何行业的3D艺术家,在Unity开发方面拥有约1 - 2年的经验。您应该对资产导入管道,材料,纹理,场景原型设计,光照和粒子系统以及动画的基本知识有深入的了解。

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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