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美国教育考试服务中心ETS推出官方托福慕课,6月13日开课 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


MOOCer2016年4月16日 11:06

正在准备留学英语考试的小伙伴们有福啦!最近,主管托福考试的美国教育考试服务中心ETS推出了托福MOOC课程“TOEFL® Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide”,这门免费的官方助考慕课为期六周,旨在帮助托福考生备考,提高其英语语言能力,以期达到各大学、机构和院校的录取标准,计划6月13日开课。


本课授课方式包括短视频讲座,如即将推出的“Inside the TOEFL Test” 的视频将介绍各种考试题型并提供以往托福考试真题作为样题。在口语和写作讲座中,课程会通过分析真实的考生口语写作回答案例,帮助考生了解评分标准。上课之后,你可以在edX的论坛里与世界各地的考生一起交流和探讨问题,还能在edX平台上做一些小测验,模拟真实的考试情景。


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This test preparation course, developed by the experts who create, administer and score the TOEFL® test, will help English language learners improve their skills.

The TOEFL® test is the world’s most trusted and widely accepted English-language assessment. It has helped millions of people achieve their dreams of university study, skilled migration, employment, scholarships, visas and more. More than 9,000 universities, agencies, institutions and organizations worldwide, accept TOEFL® scores.

90% of TOEFL® test takers get into their 1st or 2nd choice university.

This course will help you understand what you can do to achieve your best score. Instructors will guide you through each section [reading, listening, speaking and writing] and explain the kinds of questions you can expect using archived past test questions. You will receive valuable advice, including how to register for the test, how it is scored and how to prepare.

This course is highly interactive, using videos, sample questions with explanations, short quizzes, discounted test prep offers and a live social media event. During the Speaking and Writing lectures, the team that developed the TOEFL® test will review a handful of responses and provide evaluation and feedback.

Who takes the TOEFL® test? More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the TOEFL® test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency.

● Students planning to study at an institution or university
● Scholarship and certification candidates
● English-language learners who want to track their progress
● Students and workers applying for visas in certain countries

After taking this course you will have a much better understanding of how to study for the test, what goes into making the test, actual test materials (from retired tests) and gain valuable insider tips to help you get into the university of your dreams or apply for a job.


● How to improve your English language skills
● A broad understanding of the four sections of the TOEFL® test: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
● Helpful tips and tricks to prepare you for the TOEFL® Test
● How the TOEFL® Test is scored
● How to use your TOEFL® Test scores for employment, school, visas, scholarships
● Where to find additional resources that are available for the TOEFL® Test
● How to register for the TOEFL® test


Faye Weidner
Host ETS

Cynthia Newman
Reading Instructor ETS

Insook Chung
Listening Instructor ETS

Molly Palmer
Speaking Instructor ETS

Shawn Gorman
Writing Instructor ETS

Michael Knab
“Inside the TOEFL® Test” Host ETS

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