
The Basics of Transport Phenomena

Learn the basic framework to work on a broad spectrum of engineering problems concerning transfer of heat, mass and momentum. Learn through examples of everyday processes at home, in the lab and in industry.

1759 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 7
  • 初级
  • 英语


Identify heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid flow phenomena in lab, industrial and daily environment.

Identify quantities and subjects used in transport phenomena.

Use balances to solve problems.

Apply the concepts of transport phenomena to a variety of real life problems.

Make the correct assumptions to put real-life situations into mathematical model.

Solve and assess a model from a quantitative perspective.

See the world through different eyes.


Have you ever wondered why ventilation helps to cool down your hot chocolate? Do you know why a surfing suit keeps you warm? Why iron feels cold, while wood feels warm at room temperature? Or how air is transferred into aqueous liquids in a water treatment plant? How can we sterilize milk with the least amount of energy? How does medicine spread in our tissue? Or how do we design a new cooling tower of a power plant? All these are phenomena that involve heat transfer, mass transfer or fluid flow.

Transport Phenomena investigates such questions and many others, exploring a wide variety of applications ranging from industrial processes to environmental engineering, to transport processes in our own body and even simple daily life problems

In this course we will look into the underlying concepts of these processes, that often take place simultaneously, and will teach you how to apply them to a variety of real-life problems. You will learn how to model the processes and make quantitative statements.


High School physics and basic knowledge of calculus (derivative, integral, simple differential equations) and thermodynamics (concepts of first law and second law, properties of fluids, heat effects).


Is there a book required for the course?

The course uses materials and software that are freely available online. A useful reference book is: Harry Van den Akker & Robert F. Mudde, Transport Phenomena (Delft Academic Press, 2014, ISBN: 978-90-6562-3584).

I just want to learn the basics of Transport Phenomena (TP). Do I really need to spend 8 hours per week for 7 weeks?

We offer this course for everyone who wants to use TP in their education or professional life and for anyone who just has an interest in it. Each week we will give a short overview of the course elements and indicate how to take a ‘quick route’. You can decide how you want to go through this course, depending on the topic, your background and the time available.

If I miss a week, does that affect my performance?

You can study at your own pace as long as you finish before the final deadline. However, some assignments and discussions are primarily active and monitored during the scheduled period.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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