
Sustainable Tourism: Society & Environmental Aspects

Gain the skills and knowledge to drive sustainability in the largest industry worldwide: tourism! Understand the scope next to social and environmental implications of growth in this exciting field of study.

1220 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语


How to view tourism as a complex social and environmental phenomenon

An overview of global tourism development in its historical context

Ways to distinguish differences in the social study of tourism

How to conceive of the sheer size and systemic development of tourism

To analyse mutual relationships between tourism and its environment


Tourism is already one of the world’s largest industries and it’s still experiencing incredible growth. Of all the industries of major importance worldwide, Travel and Tourism directly contribute $1.4 trillion (U.S.) to the global economy. One out of ten of the world’s total jobs are in travel and tourism and that number is growing.

Join this course if you want to learn where this growth is coming from and what the effects will be on the social and natural environment. Prepare yourself to be challenged with more critical reflections of an industry steeped in comfort and enjoyment.

You will also discover that tourism is more than just a powerful economic force. Tourism activities affect the environment of travel destinations and influence cultures worldwide. Tourism is very sensitive to global transformations such as changing consumer behaviour, economic developments, climate change, epidemics, or acts of terrorism. Tourism is in fact a complex phenomenon.

To explore the development of the tourism phenomenon and begin to build your own reflections on the industry, you’ll be exposed to a variety of weekly insights throughout the online course. These include historical backgrounds, a variety of social science approaches, common theoretical constructs, related systemic observations, and exposure to environmental-, social- and economic implications of tourism.

Based on weekly writing exercises, you’ll be challenged to form your own argument for a specific tourism development of your choice. You’ll also help others in providing and receiving meaningful feedback on their critical reflections of tourism phenomena.

Join this MOOC if you want to explore tourism and understand what tourism does to our living environment, our behaviour and our cultural inheritance.


Module 1: Introduction & Overview
What is tourism, and how can you study it from a social sciences point of view?

Module 2: History of global tourism development
Where does tourism come from? We go back in time to understand where our contemporary tourism practices originate.

Module 3: Scientific approaches and systemic observations
What are typical social science approachesto tourism; including behavioral, cultural, and more critical observations? And to what kind of observations do these approaches lead?

Module 4: Key theories and global flows
Take notice of a set of typical theoretical concepts used in tourism studies, and become acquainted with how global tourism developments run parallel with rapidly developing flows of people, goods, technology, information,and capital.

Module 5: Environmental impacts of tourism
Take the main economic, socio-cultural, and environmental interactions and impacts generated by and in tourism.

Module 6: Synthesis and looking forward
Finalize your own argument related to a tourism development of your choice, and become familiar with the science of sustainable tourism.



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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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