
Simulation Neuroscience

Learn how to digitally reconstruct a single neuron to better study the biological mechanisms of brain function, behaviour and disease.

1064 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 高级
  • 英语


Discuss the different types of data for simulation neuroscience

How to collect, annotate and register different types of neuroscience data

Describe the simulation neuroscience strategies

Categorize different classification features of neurons

List different characteristics of synapses and behavioural aspects

Model a neuron with all its parts (soma, dendrites, axon, synaps) and its behaviour

Use experimental data on neuronal activity to constrain a model


Simulation Neuroscience is an emerging approach to integrate the knowledge dispersed throughout the field of neuroscience.
The aim is to build a unified empirical picture of the brain, to study the biological mechanisms of brain function, behaviour and disease. This is achieved by integrating diverse data sources across the various scales of experimental neuroscience, from molecular to clinical, into computer simulations.
This is a unique, massive open online course taught by a multi-disciplinary team of world-renowned scientists.In this first course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to create simulations of biological neurons and synapses.
This course is part of a series of three courses, where you will learn to use
state-of-the-art modeling tools of the HBP Brain Simulation Platform to simulate neurons, build neural networks, and perform your own simulation experiments.
We invite you to join us and share in our passion to reconstruct, simulate and understand the brain!


Week 1: Simulation neuroscience: An introduction,
Understanding the brain
Approaches and Rationale of Simulation Neuroscience
The principles of simulation neuroscience
Data strategies
Reconstruction and simulation strategies
Summary and Caveats
Experimental data
Single neuron data collection techniques
Morphological profiles
Electrophysiological profiles
Caveats and summary of experimental data techniques
Single neuron data
Ion channels
Combining profiles
Cell densities
Summary and Caveats
Synaptic dynamics
Week 2: Neuroinformatics
Introduction to neuroinformatics
Text mining
Data integration and knowledge graphs
Knowledge graphs
Brain atlases and knowledge space
Motivation of data-integration
Fixed data approach to data integration
Blue Brain Nexus
Architecture of Blue Brain Nexus
Design a provenance entity
Creating your own domain
Acquisition of neuron electrophysiology and morphology data
Generating data
Using data
Design an entity
An entity design and the provenance model
Morphological feature extraction
Morphological structures,
Understanding neuronal morphologies using NeuroM
Statistics and visualisation of morphometric data
Week 3: Modeling neurons
Introduction to the single neuron
Motivation for studying the electrical brain
The neuron
A structural introduction
An electrical device
Electrical neuron model
Modeling the electrical activity
Hodgkin & Huxley
Tutorial creating single cell electrical models
Single cell electrical model: passive
Making it active
Adding a dendrite
Connecting cells
Week 4: Modeling synapses
Modeling synaptic potential
Modeling the potential
Rall's cable model
Modeling synaptic transmission between neurons
Synaptic transmission
Modeling synaptic transmission
Modeling dynamic synapses tutorial
Defining your synaps
Compiling your modifies
Hosting & testing your synaps model
Reconfigure your synaps to biological ranges
Defining a modfile for a dynamic TM synapse
Compiling and testing the modfile
Week 5: Constraining neurons models with experimental data
Constraining neuron models with experimental data
Constraining neuron model with experimental data.
Computational aspects of optimization
Tools for constraining neuron models
Tutorials for optimization
Setting up the components
Week 6: Exam week
NMC portal
Accessing the NMC portal
Running models on your local computer
Downloading and interacting with the single cell models
Injecting a current


Knowledge of ordinary differential equations, and their numerical solution

Knowledge of programming in one of Python (preferred), C/C++, Java, MATLAB, R.


What web browser should I use?
The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari, or with Internet Explorer version 9 and above. However,the HBP platform on which you will do your weekely exercises only works with Firefox and Chrome

What tools or programs do I need?
You will learn to use the tools of the HBP brain simulation and neuroinformatics platforms. For this, you will set up a collab at the HBP platform starting week 2.

I'm an EPFL student, can I get ECTS (credits) for this MOOC?
EPFL Doctoral students may get credits for this, see EPFL Doctoral School Pages. You should apply to your program director.

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