
Origins of the Human Mind

Learn about the evolutionary origins of the human mind by comparing our cognitive features to chimpanzees, our closest living relative.

1203 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 5
  • 初级
  • 英语


The latest methodology of Comparative Cognitive Science

Similarities and differences between human and non-human primates

The current state of wild chimpanzees in Bossou


The human mind is an evolutionary product, just like the body. However, the mind does not remain in fossil form like bones and teeth. Therefore, to better study and understand our minds their evolutionary origins we need to compare our cognitive features with those of different living primates. This approach is called “Comparative Cognitive Science (CCS)”. CCS is a unique combination of Psychology and Primatology. CCS tries to give answers to the fundamental questions such as “what is uniquely human?”, “where did it come from?”, “how did we get here?”, and “where do we go?” This intensive course focuses on chimpanzees, the closest relatives of humans.

This course covers selected areas of current research on CCS. We focus on behavioral studies of nonhuman animals, especially chimpanzees. Since the chimpanzee and the human share the latest common ancestor, only about five million years ago, this great ape provides the key to understanding our nature.


Week 1: Introduction to Primate World

How Special is the Japanese Monkeys?
Animal Culture: Conspicuous Behaviors in Japanese Monkeys and Their Background
Why We Have to Study Chimpanzees to Understand Human Unique Nature?

Week 2: Matsuzawa Methodology

Synthesizing Lab Work & Field Work
Participant Observation
Field Observation

Week 3: Imitation and Language

Imitation 1: Chimpanzee Nut-cracking
Imitation 2: Imitation with an Object
Language 1: Recognition and Memory of Number System
Language 2: Cognitive Association between Colors and Symbols

Week 4: Stable Supine Posture and Imagination

Stable Supine Posture

Week 5 Green Corridor Project as a Conservation Practice

Research Site and Bossou Chimpanzees
Threats to Chimps 1: Deforestation
Threats to Chimps 2: Poaching
Threats to Chimps 3: Contagious Disease
Environmental Education



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