
Groundscape Architecture Design Lab, re-thinking cities underground

We simply cannot be satisfied with only developing the city on top of the city. We must also build the city under the city.

809 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 11
  • 中级
  • 英语


Discover the beauty, potential and richness of the subterranean territory.

Revert the negative perception associated with the infrastructure

Enlarge your vision as an urban actor

Become acquainted with indispensable design tools needed for designing underground.

Apprehend essential urban strategies necessary to intervene in the Groundscape territory.

You will be introduced to basic constructive procedures needed to excavate into the ground

Implement new and specific design methods

Develop your own Groundscape project

Participate in an architecture competition


Groundscape is a neologism resulting from the combination two words: ground and landscape.

As a new field of research for architects, designers, and urban planners, this unheard-of form of subterranean architecture explores and investigates the universe of possibilities that lie beneath the surface of our cities.

The idea of Groundscape proposes a different way of experiencing the earth underground by offering a resilient, responsible, aesthetic, and durable response to the many urban challenges our cities face today.

Founded by prof. Dominique Perrault in 2013 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) the SubLab is an academic Think Tank and multidisciplinary research platform dedicated to the investigation of the underside of our cities.

Alongside SubLab instructors Richard Nguyen, Ignacio Ferrer Rizzo, and Juan Fernandez Andrino you will participate in an unprecedented design oriented online course, where you will acquire the fundamental skills necessary for the conception of your own underground project.

Since 1985 Prof. Dominique Perrault has designed more than 55 Groundscape projects over a period of almost 30 years.


The course is structured along a series of 5 episodes divided into different Acts, including keystone Expertise visits, diverse Experiences, and Groundscape Talk lectures. In parallel to the talks and visits you will participate in the Underground Design Studio, a design oriented studio where you will develop your own personal Groundscape experience.

Episode 1: The Groundscape Manifest

Introduction to basic concepts related to the notion of Groundscape such as Void, Light, Geography, Landscape, Heritage, Depth, Density, Network, etc…

Episode 2: Conquests

Study of Groundscape as a tool for the creation of new territories through the disappearance of architecture.

Episode 3: Geography

Study of Groundscape as the blending in of landscape and architecture. We will underline the capacity of the underground territory to establish complex networks and links with apparently simple actions.

Episode 4: Legacy

Study of Groundscape as an aesthetic and respectful urban solution in heritage sensible sites. We will dig into the ground to establish the foundations of Groundscape architecture

Episode 5: Into the Lab

An invitation to look inside unheard of design methods specifically oriented towards subterranean territories.


No special prerequisites are needed for a correct comprehension of the course.

For those who want to take part in the Underground Design Studio, basic experience in terms of conception and architectural software is recommended.

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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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