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物联网与嵌入式系统概论 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems

3010 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 14 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语, 其他


Internet Of Things (IOT)


Embedded System Design



The explosive growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing our world and the rapid drop in price for typical IoT components is allowing people to innovate new designs and products at home. In this first class in the specialization you will learn the importance of IoT in society, the current components of typical IoT devices and trends for the future. IoT design considerations, constraints and interfacing between the physical world and your device will also be covered. You will also learn how to make design trade-offs between hardware and software. We’ll also cover key components of networking to ensure that students understand how to connect their device to the Internet. Please note that this course does not include discussion forums.

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Define the term “Internet of Things”
2. State the technological trends which have led to IoT
3. Describe the impact of IoT on society
4. Define what an embedded system is in terms of its interface
5. Enumerate and describe the components of an embedded system
6. Describe the interactions of embedded systems with the physical world
7. Name the core hardware components most commonly used in IoT devices
8. Describe the interaction between software and hardware in an IoT device
9. Describe the role of an operating system to support software in an IoT device
10. Explain the use of networking and basic networking hardware
11. Describe the structure of the Internet
12. Describe the meaning of a “network protocol”
13. Explain MANETs and their relation to IoT


Week 1 What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Get Started
Module 1
Lesson 1: Definition of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Lesson 2: Trends in the Adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Lesson 3: The Importance of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Society
Quiz & Peer Review
Quiz: Module 1 Quiz
Assignment: Module 1 Peer Review: Identify and Analyze a Device

Week 2 Embedded Systems

Module 2
Lesson 1: Features and Constraints of Embedded Systems
Lesson 2: Components of Embedded Systems
Lesson 3: Interacting with the Physical World
Quiz and Peer Review
Quiz: Module 2 Quiz
Assignment: Module 2 Peer Review

Week 3 Hardware and Software

Module 3
Lesson 1: Hardware Components
Lesson 2: Microcontrollers and Software
Lesson 3: Operating Systems
Quiz and Peer Review
Quiz: Module 3 Quiz
Assignment: Module 3 Peer Review

Week 4 Networking and the Internet

Module 4
Lesson 1: Networking Basics
Lesson 2: Internet Protocol
Lesson 3: Network Layers and MANETS
Quiz and Peer Review
Please Complete This Survey
Quiz: Module 4 Quiz
Assignment: Module 4 Peer Review
Log in to enroll in this course

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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