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恶意软件及其地下经济:每一个故事都有两面性 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


Malicious Software and its Underground Economy

1820 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 19 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语




学生将学到传统及移动恶意软件的运作模式,分析及监察恶意软件的方式,并探寻驱动这一非法盈利生意背后的经济体系。 对于专家、老师、研究员和实践者来说,掌握恶意软件的操作方式极为重要,只有这样才能拥有反击的力量,并且能帮助我们及时了解恶意软件系统及其威胁,这对于设计新颖、有效、切合实际的缓和技术非常必要。

Learn about traditional and mobile malware, the security threats they represent, state-of-the-art analysis and detection techniques, and the underground ecosystem that drives such a profitable but illegal business.

Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story is a short, introductory, and experimental (i.e., pilot) course featuring 6 lectures. Each lecture lasts roughly anything between 1h and 1.5h and is logically divided in a number of ~15 mins self-contained units. Although a non-negligible effort has been made to fulfill this breakdown, some units last definitely longer and require a bit more effort—just pause the video and take a break ;-)

In addition, the course features 6 multiple-choices mandatory quizzes (i.e., 1 per lecture) and 1 bonus quiz. Passing all the mandatory quizzes awards a “pass” mark of the course, while passing all the mandatory quizzes and the bonus one awards a “distinction” mark.


完成时间为 3 小时
After reporting on the insights of a real-world research about a botnet takeover, students will learn about malicious software, with a particular glimpse at botnets and their detection to finally conlude brielfy with rootkits.

Lecture outline
1. Should we care? A botnet takeover storytelling
2. Admin blabbing
3. Malicious software
4. (a glimpse at)Botnets
5. (a glimpse at) Botnets detection & Rootkits
12 个视频 (总计 115 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 3 小时
Static analysis and its limitations
Students will look at the malware landscape of the early days and what effort and challenges the AV industry was facing to fight malware threats. The lecture covers static analysis as a first technique to analyze and detect malware; (basic) assembly and reverse engineering notions are provided with a look at basic techniques to fool the state-of-the-art disassembly algorithm, quickly highlighting the limits of static analysis, especially when focused on analyzing malware. A walk-through to reverse engineer an example program concludes the lecture.

Given the complexity of the topic and the fact the course is a short and introductory class on a vast topic, the aim of the lecture is to provide a broad overview, with a few detailed insights wherever appropriate.

Lecture outline

1. Early days, AV industry
2. (a glimpse at) Reverse engineering (part 1)
3. (a glimpse at) Reverse engineering (part 2)
4. (a glimpse at) Polymorphism, code obfuscation
5. IDA Pro—a very simple example. . .
8 个视频 (总计 99 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 3 小时
Dynamic analysis and its limitations
While looking at how the malware landscape has been evolving, students will be given an introduction at dynamic analysis, a complementary technique to static analysis to fight malware threats. Packing and algorithmic-agnostic unpacking is introduced as an initial step toward full dynamic analysis. The lecture quickly mentions sandboxes and limits of dynamic analysis and sandboxes, to finally conclude with a brief overview of a particular academic research state-of-the-art for malware protection.

Given the complexity of the topic and the fact the course is a short and introductory class on a vast topic, the aim of the lecture is to provide a broad overview, with a few detailed insights wherever appropriate.

Lecture outline

1. Toward dynamic analysis
2. (a glimpse at) Dynamic analysis (part 1)
3. (a glimpse at) Dynamic analysis (part 2)
4. (a glimpse at) Limits of dynamic analysisM
5. AccessMiner—system-centric models
7 个视频 (总计 87 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 2 小时
Mobile malware
The lecture introduces the students to mobile malware threats; in particular, the lecture focuses on Android malware, providing a quick overview of Android applications and describing a virtual machine-based dynamic analysis research carried out in the ISG at Royal Holloway University of London in collaboration with the LaSER at University of Milan.

Lecture outline

1. Introduction
2. Background
3. CopperDroid: dynamic analysis of Android malware (part 1)
4. CopperDroid: dynamic analysis of Android malware (part 2)
4 个视频 (总计 49 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 2 小时
Cybercriminal underground economy
After having skimmed throughout different malware-related threats, week 5 will introduce students to the specialized underground cybercrime that surrounds this malware-driven profitable but illicit business. After an initial recap on an early evidence of such phenomena, pay-per-install and exploit-as-a-service cybercriminal-oriented business model will be overviewed. Finally, as most of the (exploit-as-a-service) attacks nowadays happen because of memory error exploitations, the lecture will provide a succinct overview on the issue, backed up by statistics to understand whether such a quite dated software vulnerability is still an issue or not (and where should research be focusing on).

Lecture outline

1. Introduction
2. Pay-per-Install
3. Exploit-as-a-service
4. Memory errors: the past, the present, and the future
5 个视频 (总计 72 分钟), 1 个阅读材料, 1 个测验

完成时间为 2 小时
The cost of cybercrime
This final lecture will introduce students to another aspect of the cybercriminal underground economy; we will first discuss an interesting report that recently outlined one of the biggest online underground economy, followed by a discussion on how big is the cost of cybercrime (not just in terms of revenue for the cybercriminal). The lecture will conclude the course and provide a few final remarks.

Lecture outline

1. China's online underground economy (part 1)
2. China's online underground economy (part 2)
3. The cost of cybercrime (part 1)
4. The cost of cybercrime (part 2)
5. Conclusion and final remarks







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  • Stanford-Open-Edx
  • 网易云课堂
  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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