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网络安全 MasterTrack™ 证书 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界

网络安全 MasterTrack™ 证书

Cybersecurity MasterTrack™ Certificate

Build and practice essential cybersecurity skills by studying cryptography, software security, network security, and more from the #1 ranked school for innovation in the U.S.

1176 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6 个月
  • 中级
  • 英语


Problems of information assurance (IA) and security and possible solutions to these problems.

Design usage of cryptographic protocols for online and offline computing applications.

Theories, tools, and techniques to identify, exploit, and mitigate software security vulnerabilities in the network, binary, and web levels.

Necessary tools, techniques, and concepts of network security for modern computer networks.

Fundamental concepts and principles of distributed systems and the practical skills for developing distributed systems.

Countermeasures to attacks to computer systems from miscreants (or hackers) and basic topics of cryptography and network security.


Learn the theories, tools, and techniques used to protect and defend information and information systems.

In this program, you will complete a real module from the online Master of Computer Science program that will help you understand the field of Cybersecurity through the lens of computer systems and algorithms.

You will learn to protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation through protection, detection, and reaction practices.

You will select and complete three courses from the following list:

Applied Cryptography
Software Security
Advanced Computer Network Security
Distributed & Multiprocessor OS
Advanced Computer System Security

By committing to online study for 4-6 months, you can earn the Cybersecurity MasterTrack Certificate which serves as a pathway to the online Master of Computer Science degree at Arizona State University.


Advanced Computer Network Security

Focusing on the areas of applied cryptography, system security, and the principles and practices of network security, this course explores the necessary tools, techniques, and concepts of network security for modern computer networks. The course’s coverage of advanced network security includes both cutting-edge technologies and research topics, primarily at the MAC layer and above.

The course not only provides you with exposure to burgeoning areas of network security but also hands-on experience using the tools essential for computer network and cybersecurity today and in the future.

Specific topics covered include:

• Public key and symmetric key based cryptography
• Access control models
• Network security policies
• Authentication protocols
• Secure protocol standards
• Public Key Infrastructure and its development trends
• Virtual Private Network and its restrictions
• Attack graphs and attack trees
• SDN/NFV based Security Solutions
• Cloud network security
• ML and AI for computer network security
• Moving target defense in computer networks
• Key management (Public key, shared key, group key, distributed key management)

Distributed Multiprocessor OS

This course will teach both the fundamental concepts and principles of distributed systems and the practical skills for developing distributed systems. Specific topics covered include distributed systems architecture, communication, coordination, and consistency and replication.

Advanced Computer System Security

This course will teach you the countermeasures to attacks to computer systems from miscreants (or hackers) and basic topics of cryptography and network security.




Block Encryption Algorithm Optional)

This is an optional project. This project provides you an opportunity to obtain hands-on practice using the introductory data transformation and brute force techniques covered in course lectures. You will design a block encryption algorithm to meet specific requirements, brute force the algorithm, and reflect on how the type of data encrypted affects the breakability of the encryption.


How to develop a reversible 32-bit block encryption algorithm.
How to utilize substitution and permutation in encryption.
How to use brute force to block encryption algorithms.

Project Capture the Flag (PCTF)

Software Security prepares students for a cybersecurity career by teaching ethical hacking concepts. The purpose of the project and the the Flag (PCTF) is to reinforce these concepts with hands-on, team-based exercises, where you will demonstrate your cybersecurity knowledge and skills by first building a project (software) to help you win the PCTF. In the PCTF, in addition to your project, you will use the skills that you have developed in the class of analyzing software for vulnerabilities and developing exploits.


How to reverse engineer binaries and web applications.
How to analyze a binary or web application for vulnerabilities.
How to develop an exploit for a discovered vulnerability.
How to create a patch that fixes a vulnerability in a binary or web application.

Crack the Password Assignment

To identify vulnerabilities in a binary application, we must first understand the binary code that the application executes. This tells us the functionality, which we can then use to identify vulnerabilities. Therefore, this assignment will develop and test your skills in understanding x86_64 binaries.


How to read x86_64 assembly code.
How to analyze binary program behavior.
How to reverse engineer a password from analyzing a binary x86_64 program.


建议您了解使用Linux的高级编程语言,包括Java,Python,C或C ++。

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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