建筑工程与管理 MasterTrack™ 证书

Construction Engineering and Management MasterTrack™ Certificate

Build your career in the growing construction industry by mastering core concepts in engineering, management, and architecture with a top-ranking civil engineering graduate program.

1375 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 7 个月
  • 中级
  • 英语


How construction projects are created, organized, and financed

The appropriate techniques to properly account for ongoing construction projects

Best practices for keeping construction projects organized and on schedule

How to use the proper equipment for efficiency and safety

Leading sustainability practices in the construction industry today


Become a skilled construction manager in just 6-7 months. Earn a powerful career credential and complete a segment of a full engineering Master’s degree

The Construction Management MasterTrack Certificate will prepare you to thrive in today’s global construction industry, which needs more highly-skilled professionals than ever. Demand for construction managers is growing and is expected to continue to climb in the U.S. and around the world. Construction engineers and project managers are involved in the planning, design, operations, maintenance, rehabilitation and evaluation of constructed facilities. However, many engineering, management, and architecture professionals in the construction industry lack the knowledge needed to coordinate an entire construction project. Through projects designed by faculty from the University of Michigan Tishman Construction Management Program, you’ll learn to apply the accounting, project management and decision making techniques vital to construction projects worldwide. With an effort of around five hours per week for 6-7 months, the Construction Management MasterTrack Certificate program will prepare you to apply your knowledge to a management job in the construction industry.


Construction Project Delivery Systems

In Construction Project Delivery Systems, learn about how projects are contracted for construction or rehabilitation. The course explores the advantages and disadvantages of each method based on defined relationships between different project stakeholders in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. You will also learn about construction project life cycles, project stakeholder types, and the standard elements of construction contracts.

Financial Accounting for Construction Projects

Financial Accounting for Construction Projects will introduce you to the accounting techniques used for construction projects, with an emphasis on how they differ from the practices used in other industries. The course will teach you about the different financial instruments used for accounting in construction projects, including balance sheets and income statements. You will also learn how accounting works across the business cycle as well as methods for calculating income, expenses and revenue. The course culminates with the creation of annual financial statements for a simulated construction project.

Construction Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control

In Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control you will be introduced to basic project planning and scheduling methods for construction projects. These include Gantt charts, Line of Balance, network analysis, and linear scheduling. You will also study earned value analysis as a fundamental project control method. At the conclusion of the course, you will practice applying these principles to create schedules and controls for a simulated construction project.

Construction Equipment and Methods

In Construction Equipment and Methods, you will be introduced to the construction means, methods, and equipment used to transform a design concept into a completed usable structure or facility. You’ll study the selection and optimization of individual items of equipment needed to complete work and apply these principles in a simulated construction project.

Construction Safety and Human Factors

In Construction Safety and Human Factors, you’ll be introduced to key regulatory requirements that are designed to safeguard construction projects. You’ll also learn the methods used to analyze unsafe construction activities and explore core management practices that improve construction project safety and worker performance.

Sustainable Construction Practices

In Sustainable Construction Practices, you will be introduced to green construction principles as well as methods that assess the economic and environmental benefits of green construction. You’ll also learn green construction standards, green building codes, and green construction rating systems. At the end of the course, you’ll apply the principles you’ve learned by conducting several life cycle analysis assessments of the constituent parts of real-world construction projects.




Preparation of Contractor's Annual Financial Statements

In this group project, you’ll gain experience applying the accounting principles to partial progress made on construction projects. You’ll also practice estimating anticipated loss on projects to develop yearly income statements and balance sheets for a simulated construction management project.


Collaboration skills for working with other construction management students
How to apply the correct methods of accounting for multiple large construction projects to produce financial statements that provide accurate information about the health of a construction business

Application of Project Delivery Methods

In this project, you’ll organize and explore the financing of a simulated construction project through different project delivery methods. You’ll also complete an analysis on the pros and cons of each option.


How to differentiate types of construction projects based on key characteristics
Skills for applying organizational best practices for effective and efficient delivery



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