
What is Corruption: Anti-Corruption and Compliance

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  • 完成时间大约为 7 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语, 其他


Provide examples of anti-corruption laws and explain the implications

Describe the relationship between anti-corruption efforts and an organization’s culture and compliance programs

Identify strategies for avoiding corruption issues

Provide strategies for structuring a comprehensive anti-corruption program that can prevent and/or mitigate corruption in an organization.


Have you ever paid someone for doing you a favor?

You may be accustomed to tipping wait staff or other service providers, but what if you paid a police officer for NOT issuing a parking ticket? Or if you gave a “gift” to a government official for signing a contract with your company? Tipping might be okay, but paying a bribe is a violation of the law.
Bribery is widespread and exists almost everywhere and in many forms. Compliance programs address this and other forms of corruption.

In this course we’ll discuss what corruption actually is by examining, for example, the difference between a tip and an illegal bribe. We will examine where corruption exists, how it exists, its ramifications, and the genesis of today’s anti-corruption laws. We’ll also focus on practical strategies for creating compliance policies and procedures that address and prevent corruption.

We will learn about the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and many other anti-corruption laws. Much of the course will focus on building out compliance policies and procedures that address corruption. We will also look at practical methods for preventing corruption in an organization as well as red flags and other mechanisms for identifying corruption early so that it can be adequately addressed.


Corruption - What is it? Where is it?

What is corruption? Why does it exist? Where does it exist? We begin this course by answering those important threshold questions.

Anti-Corruption Laws

How has the law responded to corruption? This module examines the specific anti-corruption laws that govern the business world, with special emphasis on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs (aka How to Avoid Corruption Issues)

How do you combat corruption? This module looks at the policies, procedures, and trainings used to combat corruption, and also examines corruption risk and potential warning signs.

Preventing Corruption

Can you stop corruption before it starts? This module looks at specific preventative measures such as anti-corruption policies, contract provisions, and surveillance.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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