
Hypothesis-Driven Development

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  • 完成时间大约为 14 个小时
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  • 英语


How to use metrics to facilitate alignment with your company’s objectives while keeping your team autonomous, creative, and evidence-driven

How to drive to evidence-based, testable ideas that maximize outcomes and minimize waste

How to test alternative interface patterns before you build them to maximize both product usability and purposeful implementation

How to prioritize and execute investments in your delivery pipeline to increase the frequency of releases and decrease manual grunt work


To deliver agile outcomes, you have to do more than implement an agile process- you have to create focus around what matters to your user and rigorously test how well what you’re doing is delivering on that focus. Driving to testable ideas (hypotheses) and maximizing the results of your experimentation is at the heart of a high-functioning practice of agile. This course shows you how to facilitate alignment and create a culture of experimentation across your product pipeline.

You’ll understand how to answer these four big questions:
1. How do we drive our agility with analytics?
2. How do we create compelling propositions for our user?

3. How do we achieve excellent usability?

4. How do we release fast without creating disasters?

As a Project Management Institute (PMI®) Registered Education Provider, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business has been approved by PMI to issue 20 professional development units (PDUs) for this course, which focuses on core competencies recognized by PMI. (Provider #2122)

This course is supported by the Batten Institute at UVA’s Darden School of Business. The Batten Institute’s mission is to improve the world through entrepreneurship and innovation: www.batteninstitute.org.


How do we drive our agility with analytics?

How do you go from backlog grooming to blockbuster results with agile? Hypothesis-driven decisions. Specifically, you need to make sure that your team is investing its time and energy in something where everyone knows what constitutes success. Most people and most teams aren’t used to working this way, and this week we’ll focus on how you get started in a practical way.

How do we release fast without creating disasters?

You’ve learned how to test ideas and usability to reduce the amount of software your team needs to build and to focus its execution.Now you’re going to learn how high-functioning teams approach testing of the software itself. The practice of continuous delivery and the closely related Devops movement are changing the way we build and release software. It wasn’t that long ago where 2-3 releases a year was considered standard. Now, Amazon, for example, releases code every 11.6 seconds. This week, we’ll look at the delivery pipeline and step through what successful practitioners do at each stage and how you can diagnose and apply the practices that will improve your implementation of agile.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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