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面向设计师、经理和企业家的编码 I | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界

面向设计师、经理和企业家的编码 I

Coding for Designers, Managers, & Entrepreneurs I

1298 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 14 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


How to transition ideas to designs, and how to translate those designs to code

How to build end user interfaces using HTML and CSS

How to use analytical debugging to take the guess work and anxiety out of coding

How to use digital literacy to enhance your team's practice of agile


Do you want to experience what it is to go from idea to code? If so, this is the place for you! This is the first course in the Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs Specialization, which is specifically designed for you, if you’re a hands-on collaborator with developers. In this course, we’re going to focus on going from design to code with HTML & CSS, two core building blocks for pretty much everything on the web. You’ll build creative confidence and competence that will make you an even better collaborator on digital projects.


Prototyping with HTML

This week, we’ll warm up your inner coder with some work in how to render a wireframe into working HTML- the core building block of how web pages (and most digital assets) look the way they do. We’ll also step back and consider the importance of working in small, incremental pages for creating great user experiences (UX).

Making HTML Manageable with CSS

This week, we’re going to take a look at an item that’s tightly tied to HTML: CSS, ‘cascading style sheets’. This are a way of controlling how HTML looks and functions and it’s designed to maximize readability/manageability of your HTML and minimize duplication. If you’re still a little uncertain about Week 1, I think you’ll find this week a good time to catch up. If you found Week 1 quick and easy, feel free to get ahead on the course after you finish Week 2.

Debugging HTML & CSS

This week might sound a little dull or like something you do when you code ‘wrong’. But please believe me- to code is to debug. More importantly, if you get comfortable with analytical debugging (and that’s our goal), you’ll be able to approach any coding task with calm and confidence.

Preparing Your Design for Development

You’ve learned and applied HTML and CSS to the designs from HVAC in a Hurry. This week, you’ll prepare your design for next week’s peer-reviewed assignment where you’ll code your design. I think you’ll find that nothing creates focus on what to code and how like a nice, clear design. (And the reverse is also true.)

Your Working Prototype

Well, now you’re a coder. Yes, really! You’re a beginner, sure, but that’s where everyone starts. I hope what you’re finding is that while coding is work, curiosity, focus, and diligence can take you a long way. This week, you’ll go from idea to code, working from the design brief from HVAC in a Hurry.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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