This course will analyze currently available technologies for learning. Areas addressed include: learning management systems, intelligent tutors, computer adaptive testing, gamification, simulations, learning in and through social media and peer interaction, universal design for learning, differentiated instruction systems, big data and learning analytics, attention monitoring, and affect-aware systems. Participants will explore the processes for selection and implementation of suitable technologies, the design of electronic learning resources, design and application of digital media in teaching and learning, familiarization with web usability and accessibility, and critical analysis of the benefits of technologies in education.
Course Orientation
With presentations by leading researchers on technology innovation at the University of Illinois, this learning module explores the future of learning in an environment of ubiquitous technology-mediated communication. Bill Cope pushes the boundaries of possibility with his five propositions about the future of learning. Cris Mayo explores the gendered aspects of technology and ways in which we can critically engage with technologies in education. H Chad Lane explores the dynamics of technology-mediated learning in games and museums. Maya Israel introduces the challenges and opportunities of teaching computer science.
Ubiquitous Learning
This module examines the implications of ubiquitous learning for assessment and instruction, and technology as a mediator of social relations.
Instructional Technologies
The course now turns to look at some of the applications of technology in pedagogical practice in case studies of assessment, and in experiential informal learning.
Goals and Outcomes
The final module explores some additional cases and issues of technology in learning, examining the nature of the classroom, computer coding as a curriculum practice, and finally the question of measuring learning outcomes.