
Trauma Emergencies and Care

1841 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 15 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


Welcome to Trauma Emergencies and Care. In this course, you will learn about some of the mechanics and physics of trauma on the human body, and how this can cause injury. You will continue to expand your new vocabulary with medical terminology, and learn how to describe the different injuries you may see. You will also learn about the trauma system itself- and when it is important to transport patients to a trauma center.

Then we will dive into specific injuries based on what part of the body may be injured- or trauma by system. There are different considerations in the trauma patients depending on both how, and where, they are injured. And of course- you will learn your standard approach to a history and physical exam of the trauma patient.

Finally, you will learn about something that you hope to never encounter: mass casualty incidents, or MCI’s. These are occurrences where you may have multiple patients, and there is an organized and specific approach as a provider in these circumstances.


Introduction and Kinetics of Trauma

Are you ready to take on trauma? From the battlefield to highways, traumatic injuries were the catalyst for developing systems to move patients to places that they could receive more advanced care. In this module we will talk about what trauma is and why it deserves special attention when it comes to patient care.

Bleeding and Shock

In this module we will discuss the physiology of bleeding, and how hemorrhage, or excessive bleeding, leads to shock. We will review the CV system, and discuss about different types of blood loss, how it leads to shock, and then ultimately how to manage hemorrhagic shock before shock leads to death.

Soft Tissue Injury and Burns

In this module we will discuss various soft tissue injuries, including burns. Before watching the videos in this module please review your anatomy, specifically of the skin. As we cover soft tissue injuries, you will note that there are varying degrees of injury that can occur with trauma, and many of the classifications have to do with how deep or how much damage is done, and in what way, to the skin and blood vessels.

Trauma By System

We will cover trauma isolating different parts of the body and what injuries you should consider in these particular areas. Having an understanding of what injuries may be present can help you determine where you patient may need to go, and how quickly you need to get them there. It will be helpful for each of these videos to review the pertinent anatomy associated with the body system we are discussing.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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