
Teach English Now! Teaching Language Online

633 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 15 个小时
  • 中级
  • 英语, 西班牙语


Understand the basic principles of Second Language Acquistion and how they apply to ESL learners online

Conduct a needs analysis, and create course objectives, content and lesson around the needs students

Understand Task-Based Language Teaching, the stages of a lesson, and the structure of a lesson plan

Understand how to give feedback based on theories and best practices


Whether you have already taught English as a Second Language and want to start teaching it online, you’ve already been teaching ESL online and want to sharpen your skills, or you are new to teaching and interested in teaching ESL online, ASU and VOXY provide you with the basic ideas and concepts you need to know in order to successfully teach ESL online. This course uses a fun and interesting theme of “International Travel” to deliver content in an entertaining way. There are also plenty of real, recorded online session videos from VOXY in the course to show you examples of what it looks like to teach ESL online. In this course, you will learn about the best practices for teaching English as a Second Language online. This includes an introduction to online teaching, Second Language Acquisition theories and how they apply to ESL learners, conducting a needs analysis, curating content for your courses, designing lesson plans, and effective teaching strategies that will help you to become an successful online ESL teacher. The course consists of a variety of videos and readings, followed by quizzes. In the last module of the course, actual VOXY online ESL teachers share their experiences in the online classroom.


Introduction to the Online Classroom

In this module we will introduce you to the online classroom by showing you what generally happens in an online session, how to create an environment in which students are engaged, facilitate group work/pair work online, and we will review some basic Computer Assisted Language Learning concepts.

Introduction to Second Language Acquisition

Module 3: Introduction to Task Based Language Teaching

Module 4: Lesson Planning and Structures

Module 5: Developing a Lesson Plan

Module 6: Error Correction and Feedback

Module 7: Challenges with Online Teaching and Learning

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
Apple 广告
  • Coursera
  • edX
  • OpenLearning
  • FutureLearn
  • iversity
  • Udacity
  • NovoEd
  • Canvas
  • Open2Study
  • Google
  • ewant
  • FUN
  • IOC-Athlete-MOOC
  • World-Science-U
  • Codecademy
  • CourseSites
  • opencourseworld
  • ShareCourse
  • gacco
  • MiriadaX
  • openhpi
  • Stanford-Open-Edx
  • 网易云课堂
  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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