
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone

1549 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 16 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语, 其他


Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how to identify and make a strong personal introduction. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions: how to agree or disagree, how to clarify, restate and summarize. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. You will study and role play effective interviewing. You will prepare and give a sales “pitch”, introducing a product or service. Throughout the course, you will adjust how you speak English and you will become more fluent and accurate when you speak. You will demonstrate culturally appropriate body language and tone. As you work through the course, you will complete self- and peer-evaluations. Through a combination of lectures, comprehension and vocabulary quizzes, practice and performance, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to communicate well in English, anywhere in the world.

By the end of this course you will:
• Change how you speak English
• Improve your pronunciation and fluency
•Increase your English vocabulary
• Identify how culture influences your speech
• Use culture to help you speak correctly
• Demonstrate the best body language for different cultural settings
• Know statements, questions and responses for different settings and situations


Communicate in Person: The Power of Face to Face Connections

Through the lessons this module, you will be able to work on professional conversational vocabulary and proper word stress and intonation. After the final lesson you will be able to present a short "Elevator Speech."

Meet and Talk Online

This module looks at group discussion situations with the focus on video conferencing. By looking at various scenarios, you will learn key language for group discussion as well as gain some business etiquette.

Powerful Phone Talk

In this module, you will improve language use and pronunciation for phone conversations. Trickier pronunciation distinctions in can/can't and numbers will be the focus for pronunciation.

Keys to a Strong Interview

Through the lessons in this module, you will be able to prepare yourself better for an interview in English. The three lesson will focus on improving your body language, pronunciation for -ed and -s ending words, and a practice interview questions.

Put It All Together: Presentations

In this final module, you will have the chance to put all your newly gained language skills together into a presentation. The two lessons will help you organize and deliver your best presentation.

此外,您还能在所有设备上欣赏您的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听 3 个月,之后每月只需 ¥10.00。
Apple 广告
  • Coursera
  • edX
  • OpenLearning
  • FutureLearn
  • iversity
  • Udacity
  • NovoEd
  • Canvas
  • Open2Study
  • Google
  • ewant
  • FUN
  • IOC-Athlete-MOOC
  • World-Science-U
  • Codecademy
  • CourseSites
  • opencourseworld
  • ShareCourse
  • gacco
  • MiriadaX
  • openhpi
  • Stanford-Open-Edx
  • 网易云课堂
  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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