社会科学中的方法与统计 – 毕业研究项目

Methods and Statistics in Social Science - Final Research Project

816 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 22 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


The Final Research Project consists of a research study that you will perform in collaboration with fellow learners. Together you will formulate a research hypothesis and design, come up with operationalizations, create manipulation and measurement instruments, collect data, perform statistical analyses and document the results.

In this course you will go through the entire research process and will be able to help determine what research question we will investigate and how we design and perform the research. This is an invaluable experience if you want to be able to critically evaluate scientific research in the social and behavioral sciences or design and perform your own studies in the future.


About the Final Research Project

This section provides all the general course information. You can find info on how this very special final research project is organized, what the important deadlines are, and how the grading works.

Preparing for Milestone 1 - Research topic

In this section you will learn about the research topic in preparation of reaching your first milestone - formulating a general research hypothesis and design. Make sure you read the material well, you will be working on this research topic for the next six weeks!

Milestone 1 - General hypothesis and design

In this section you will work on Milestone 1 - formulating a general hypothesis and design.

Milestone 2 - Design, operationalizations and expectations

In this module - based on the collective general hypothesis and design - you will create a more detailed design.

Milestone 3 - Measurement and manipulation material

In this module - based on the collective detailed design - you will create instruments to measure and manipulate the variables in our study.

Milestone 4 - Data collection, methods documentation and analysis plan

In this module you will document the methods and material used to perform the study and you will create a statistical analysis plan.

Milestone 5 - Statistical analysis

In this module you will perform and document the final statistical analyses

Milestone 6 - Report

In this module you will work on the final milestone, reporting the results of your research study.

Putting it all together (catch-up week)

In this module we'll reflect on the outcome of our study and look back on the entire research process. If you're behind schedule submitting your last milestone assignments, there's still time to catch-up!

Reflection (catch-up week)

In this final module we'll reflect on this final research project course and the entire specialization. Last chance to catch-up and give us feedback!

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