Ruby on Rails Web Service 及其与 MongoDB 的整合

1425 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 26 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语


In this course, we will explore MongoDB, a very popular NoSQL database and Web Services concepts and integrate them both with Ruby on Rails. MongoDB is a used to handle documents with a pre-defined schema which will give the developers an ability to store, process and use data using it’s rich API. The modules will go in-depth from installation to CRUD operations, aggregation, indexing, GridFS and various other topics where we continuously integrate MongoDB with RailsRuby. We will be covering the interface to MongoDB using the Mongo Ruby API and the Mongoid ORM framework (the MongoDB access counterpart to RDBMS/ActiveRecord within Rails). The last portion of the course will focus on Web Services with emphasis on REST, its architectural style and integration of Web Services with Rails. Core concepts of Web Services like request/response, filters, data representation (XML/JSON), web linking and best practices will covered in depth.

This course is ideal for students and professionals who have some programming experience and a working knowledge of databases.


Introduction to MongoDB, MongoDB-Ruby API, and CRUD

In this module, we’re going to explore the history and the rationale behind NoSQL databases, their relationship to RDBMS, and dive into the basics of MongoDB. We will install MongoDB, create a database, collections and perform CRUD operations. We will end this module by integrating MongoDB with Ruby Shell and try out some simple examples.

Aggregation Framework, Performance, and Advanced MongoDB

In this module, we’re going to explore the fundamentals of the Aggregation framework in MongoDB. We will work on examples where you will process data records and return computed results. You will learn about and get to work on hands-on examples where you will be grouping values from multiple documents and performing a variety of operations on the grouped data to get a single result. We will look at a number of aggregation commands and paging. We will explore some advanced concepts like full text search, GridFS, Geospatial API, and wrap up the module with detailed demonstrations of all the capabilities presented in this module.


In this module, we’re going to explore Mongoid, which is an Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB written in Ruby. We will learn to integrate Mongoid with Rails and work to understand document and relationship mapping, as well. We will work on a number of queries using the Mongoid API and wrap up the module by implementing Rails/Mongoid Model View Controller.

Web Services

In this module, we’re going to explore Web Services with a focus on caching and security. We will start off by looking at REST fundamentals, RMM (Richardson Maturity Model) and URI best practices. We will wrap up the topic by covering Client and Server Caching along with Web Service Security (OAuth 2).

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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