
Introduction to Intellectual Property

1135 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 13 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


Identify the various forms of intellectual property protection available under U.S. Law

Differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of intellectual property administration

Analyze effective intellectual property strategies through case studies

Examine alternatives to formal intellectual property protections


Intellectual property is the currency of the tech world, with the world’s most valuable intellectual property assets dwarfing the value of their real-world counterparts. Apple’ trademarked brand was valued at over $100 billion as of 2017. J.K. Rowling’s Harry potter franchise has generated over $25 billion to date. But how did the law come to create such enormous value in intangible assets?

This course will introduce the various types of U.S. intellectual property: patents, which cover inventions and process innovations; copyright, which protects original works of authorship; and trademarks, which protect a business’ commercial identity as the source of valuable goods and services. You will then explore case studies of how global businesses have used intellectual property law to generate enormous value from these intangible assets.


Existing Intellectual Property Protection in the U.S.

This module will introduce the concept of intellectual property and explain how it creates value. You will learn about the major forms of intellectual property protection in the United States - copyright, trademarks, and patents, as well as alternative forms of intellectual property protection.

Philosophical and Economic Justifications of IP Rights

Why have intellectual property protection at all? This module examines the effect of intellectual property law on the modern economy, and the policy reasons behind providing intellectual property protection.

Alternatives to Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property law is ever-evolving as society's needs change. This module examines alternative forms of intellectual property protection, and explores the benefits and drawbacks of those alternatives.

Case Studies in Intellectual Property

This module takes an in-depth look at the intellectual property strategies of three major companies across three very different industries: Apple, General Motors, and Novartis.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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