
Introduction to Integrative Therapies and Healing Practices

610 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 18 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


Describe the field of integrative health.

Evaluate the state of the research evidence and reliable sources to use.

Discuss the overall safety of these therapies and how to optimize safe use.

Create a plan to successfully introduce integrative therapies into your work or other setting.


This introductory course provides a framework for incorporating integrative therapies into your work with clients or patients. By the end of the course, you will be able to assess if integrative therapies are good options in specific situations, as well as educate patients and colleagues about benefits and risks. You will be confident discussing the evidence base for integrative therapies in general, with an understanding of some of the challenges of research in this area, and able to identify reliable sources of evidence-based information. You will leave with the skills to partner with patients or clients around use of these therapies and a plan to introduce integrative therapies in your work or other setting.

Continuing Education Credit
This course has been designed to meet Minnesota Board of Nursing continuing education requirements for 15 contact hours and may be eligible for CE credit from other professional boards that allow self-documenting of continuing education activities. It is your responsibility to check with your regulatory board to confirm this course meets your local requirements and, if necessary, to provide them with the certificate of completion you get if you pay for and fulfill all the requirements of this course. This course is also approved by ICHWC (Health Coaching) for 15 continuing education units (CEP # 100057).


Introduction to the Field of Integrative Therapies

Types of Integrative Therapies

Evaluating the Evidence

How Safe Are Integrative Therapies?

What Impacts Use of Integrative Therapies?

Your Course Project

Reflections and Next Steps

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  • 华文慕课
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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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