This course takes a look at the future of cybersecurity with respect to what is being done to lessen the potential for catastrophic destruction resulting from cyber attack on critical infrastructure. In this respect, we take a short survey of potential technological solutions and response options. We conclude this module by taking a look at unique aspects of the cyber profession and personal considerations for those who want to make cybersecurity a career.
Module 13: Assessing Risk & Future Options
There is no cure for cyber attack and there is no absolute security. Accordingly, all cybersecurity entails risk management. In this module we will take a closer look at risk management and begin looking at alternatives to the cybersecurity problem.
Module 14: Responding to Cyber Attack
This module examines the cyber response capabilities of DHS and DoD. Also included in this module is course exam #7. Good luck!
Module 15: Escaping the Cyber Trap
This module examines legal issues related to cyber crime and cyber surveillance. It also examines how critical infrastructure might eventually evolve and become immune to cyber attack.
Module 16: Cyber Profession & Career
In this module we will take a look at the cyber profession and your future in the cyber career field. Also included in this module are the remaining course exam and project, and a comprehensive final exam. Please take your time and carefully consider your answers. Again, I wish you the best of luck. Cheers!