
HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Administrative/IT Perspective)

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  • 完成时间大约为 11 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


HI-FIVE (Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment) Training is an approximately 10-hour online course designed by Columbia University in 2016, with sponsorship from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). The training is role-based and uses case scenarios. No additional hardware or software are required for this course.

Our nation’s healthcare system is changing at a rapid pace. Transformative health care delivery programs depend heavily on health information technology to improve and coordinate care, maintain patient registries, support patient engagement, develop and sustain data infrastructure necessary for multi-payer value-based payment, and enable analytical capacities to inform decision making and streamline reporting. The accelerated pace of change from new and expanding technology will continue to be a challenge for preparing a skilled workforce so taking this training will help you to stay current in the dynamic landscape of health care.

This course is one of three related courses in the HI-FIVE training program, which has topics on population health, care coordination and interoperability, value-based care, healthcare data analytics, and patient-centered care. Each of the three courses is designed from a different perspective based on various healthcare roles. This third course is from an administrative or IT perspective, geared towards executives, managers, analysts, and staff that work in administration, business, finance, operations, data or IT. However, we encourage anyone working in healthcare, health IT, public health, and population health to participate in any of the three trainings.

If you would like to obtain continuing medical education (CME) or continuing nursing education (CNE) credits, you will need to have eligible credentials, complete the entire course, and complete the evaluation survey at the end. The HI-FIVE team verifies after each month that these requirements have been met and then a separate certificate (fee may apply) is distributed to you from our accreditation office. Please allow time for processing. If you have any further questions about continuing education, please see our website at www.hi-fivetraining.org.

Accreditation Statement
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA Credit Designation Statement
The College of Physcians and Surgeons designates this enduring material for 10.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The planning committee members are: Rita Kukafka, DrPH, MA, FACMI; Bruce Forman, MD; Gil Kuperman, MD, PhD; Virginia Lorenzi, MS, CPHIMS, FHL7, and Victoria Tiase, MSN, BN. None of the members of the committee, who planned this CME Activity, have any relevant financial relationships to disclose. The release date is 3/27/17 and the expiration date is 3/26/18.

This activity is eligible for 10 continuing nursing education (CNE) credits.

Columbia University School of Nursing, Continuing Nursing Education Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


Course and Case Introduction

Meeting the Heights Family Healthcare Clinic Team (Part 1)

Meeting the Heights Family Healthcare Clinic Team (Part 2)

Getting Mr. Santana to His Appointment

Achieving Coordinated, Team-Based Care

Completion of HI-FIVE Training (Administrative/IT Perspective)

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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