
Game Developers and Esports Organizations

1377 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


Before you can have an Esport, you must have a video game to play and a game developer to design it. This course is dedicated to discussing game developers and their relationship with their respective Esport. The content will help you recognize the qualities a video game must have to become a successful Esport. We will examine the diagram demonstrating the various competitive structures commonly found in Esports.

Esports, just like traditional sports, have their own professional organizations. These organizations strive to become successful businesses that win, make a profit, take care of their professional players, and attract a large audience. We will explore the factors that contribute to an Esports organization’s success, including branding, positioning, structuring the organization and funding sources.


Game Developers and their Esports

Before you can have an Esport, there must be a video game to play and a game developer to design it. This week is dedicated to discussing game developers and their relationship with their respective Esport. I also created some content for you to get a better idea of what qualities a video game needs to have to be a successful Esport and the competition structure of a variety of esport genres.

Esports Organizations

Just like sports have professional teams, Esports also have their own professional organizations. The goal of these organizations is to become a successful business that not only tries to win, but takes care of its professional players while at the same time trying to create a brand identity that the audience can relate to. We'll be covering what goes into making an Esports organization successful, which includes branding, structuring the organization, funding sources, and more.

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