
Establishing a Professional ‘Self’ through Effective Intercultural Communication

1474 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 12 个小时
  • 混合难度
  • 英语


In the course ‘Establishing a professional ‘self’ through effective intercultural communication’, you will learn how to communicate effectively to establish relationships with colleagues in a culturally and linguistically diverse community and workplace.

As language reflects cultures, we begin the course by highlighting the need to take into considerations cultural values when we communicate in a multicultural community and workplace. We then move on to discuss some effective communication skills required to build relationships with colleagues in a globalised workplace.

You will learn to adopt appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal, verbal and nonverbal, communicative strategies to present information based on the 7 communication principles.

Finally, you will learn to build your personal profile and appropriately align yourself in a globalised workplace.


Introduction to Specialisation and Course

In the course ‘Establishing a professional ‘self’ through effective intercultural communication’, you will learn how to communicate effectively to establish relationships with colleagues in a culturally and linguistically diverse community and workplace. As language reflects cultures, we will begin the course by highlighting the need to take into considerations cultural values when we communicate in a multicultural community and workplace. We then move on to discuss some effective communication skills required to build relationships with colleagues in a globalised workplace. You will learn to adopt appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal communicative strategies to present information based on the 7 communication principles. And, finally, you will learn to build your personal profile and appropriately align yourself to a globalised workplace.

Establish Work Relationships

In this module, you will learn that, in order to adopt appropriate communication strategies in a globalised workplace, it is very important to gain insights into what is valued in a culture and how language is used to reflect cultural values. We can then move on to discuss some effective intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills required to build relationships with colleagues and to inform others in a workplace.

Effective Communication

In this module, you will learn about the 7 principles of effective communication, and how you can effectively inform your colleagues based on the 7 principles of communication to inform.

Personal Profile

And, finally, you will learn how to establish a professional self in a globalised workplace. You will learn to adopt strategies to build a professional image and relationships with colleagues as a team member and team leader in a globalised workplace, align yourself to your workplace, build your own personal profile (brand) in a workplace, and use social networking sites to widen your network and present your personal profile (brand).

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  • IOC-Athlete-MOOC
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  • Stanford-Open-Edx
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  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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