
Data Visualization with Advanced Excel

1830 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 10 个小时
  • 初级
  • 英语


In this course, you will get hands-on instruction of advanced Excel 2013 functions. You’ll learn to use PowerPivot to build databases and data models. We’ll show you how to perform different types of scenario and simulation analysis and you’ll have an opportunity to practice these skills by leveraging some of Excel’s built in tools including, solver, data tables, scenario manager and goal seek. In the second half of the course, will cover how to visualize data, tell a story and explore data by reviewing core principles of data visualization and dashboarding. You’ll use Excel to build complex graphs and Power View reports and then start to combine them into dynamic dashboards.

Note: Learners will need PowerPivot to complete some of the exercises. Please use MS Excel 2013 version. If you have other MS Excel versions or a MAC you might not be able to complete all assignments.

This course was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with an address at 300 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.


Preparing a Professional Excel

During this first week, you are going to learn about the development of data models and databases. We will cover the components of data sets and the relational database models, database keys, relationships, and joins. We will also look at a tool called PowerPivot that is used to import and prepare data to build relational models, as well as visualize data. By the end of the week, you will have a working knowledge of how to develop a data model.

Be sure to complete lessons in the order in which they are sequenced in the course.

Advanced Scenario Analysis

This week, we are going to explore three different analytical methods used to help model different scenarios and deal with variable uncertainty. These methods are scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis and simulation. We’ll look at what each method is and then go deeper into why and how you use each. Following some guided demonstration, you’ll be given a chance to practice in an Excel workbook and demonstrate what you’ve learned.

Data Visualization

This week we are going to focus on data visualization. We will start off by discussing data visualization basics, outlining the theory and concepts behind data visualization. We will also discuss how to enable effective story telling through the correct selection, creation, and presentation of tables and charts. You’ll get a chance to learn how to create detailed graphs and charts to effectively tell a story about your data.


In the final week of this course, you are going to learn how to create a dynamic dashboard. We are going to discuss how to establish a good understanding of your audience and how to collect key requirements in order to determine what type of dashboard to build. We will talk about some guiding design principles and things to consider when building a dashboard. You’ll have a chance to practice everything you learn this week by creating your own functional dashboard in Excel.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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