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Transform or disappear, the Darwinism of IT: In order to adapt to a digital world, a two-speed IT is needed.

Despite the importance of IT in today’s digital world, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often struggle to get their voices heard by executive committees.
Faced with this challenge, IT departments are being forced to reinvent themselves to adapt their companies to the fast paced evolution of technology. The Boston Consulting Group has developed a business approach that allows IT to shed off its appearance of a heavy cost center and to adopt a new, more realistic persona as a quality service provider, partnering with users and the management.
Would you be a professional, a student in engineering, a student in a business schools or would you just be interested in digital transformation and its implications on IT, Learn with three BCG experts why and how to manage an IT department as a business in order to transform a company and adapt it to a digital world.

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IT and the CIO in the Digital World

There is a gap between what we observed about IT in companies and what is actually needed. Some best practice examples will be given.

Steer the Balance Sheet

The first new role of the CIO in the digital world is to manage both the P&L and the balance sheet to position IT as a business partner.

Market and Sell Products

Being a business partner starts with deciding what IT sells and what IT does not sell.

Run the Factories

Building applications and running operations require the adoption of a "factory mind-set."

Manage Human Resources

In a digital world, “strategic workforce management” is the name of the game.

Transform or Disappear

In this final module, we will see that IT must continually transform itself to adapt to an ever-changing environment. We will take a look at how that should be done: there are rules to make this happen.

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