
Cultural Diplomacy

Get an introduction to cultural diplomacy, learning what it means, how it works, and its importance in today’s polarised world.

942 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 3
  • 初级
  • 英语


Explain relevant terms and notions such as those of soft power, cultural cooperation and public diplomacy

Discuss current geopolitical and economic contexts, and the role that cultural diplomacy plays in the G8 and in the G20 world

Identify the main actors involved in cultural diplomacy today

Explore the nascent EU strategy of cultural diplomacy

Assess specific examples where cultural diplomacy has worked and examples where it has not


What does cultural diplomacy mean? How does it work in practice? What effect does it have in today’s world? Get the answers with this introduction to cultural diplomacy.

You will explore whether cultural diplomacy is about intercultural dialogue and engagement between different countries or whether it could be understood as one type of public diplomacy. You will consider the role of state actors and international organisations as well as that of non-state actors (including types of cultural and educational institutions). You will also consider the emerging EU strategy of cultural diplomacy.


Cultural cooperation

Public diplomacy

Soft power

Transnational cultural relations


This course is an introduction to cultural diplomacy for people working in foreign policy, public policy, arts, culture and heritage.

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  • 中国大学MOOC
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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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