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人研究人:社会中的研究伦理 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society

Explore the value of ethical thinking for research, using an ethical appraisal framework to develop and evaluate studies.

1322 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语


Reflect on the value of thinking ethically about social science research

Apply consequential principles of ethical thinking to identifying a research focus

Identify the range of responsibilities of a social science researcher

Explore approaches to developing respectful research relationships

Apply deontological principles of ethical thinking to meeting researcher obligations

Develop informed decisions about what constitutes ethical social science research


If we consider data collection and its reporting to make up research, then we will all have been exposed to being participants in some form of social research. Data collection from people in society is now part of everyday life. Ethical research demands that respect is afforded to the rights and dignity of human participants. Studies need to be designed to be worthwhile and any potential harm anticipated and minimised. Ethical research requires thinking carefully about what constitutes participation in research and the responsibilities of researchers not only to participants, but also to all those affected by a study.

Use an ethical appraisal framework to develop and assess research proposals

On this free online course you will be supported in reflecting on the value of ethical thinking for research and discover an ethical appraisal framework that you can apply to empirical research projects in social science, arts, education and the humanities. The course is designed to offer insights for both researchers and potential participants.

What you will study

The course starts by exploring what ethics is and why it is important to research through a consideration of examples of studies which can be challenged in terms of their ethicality. In Weeks 2 through to 4 we will use an ethical appraisal framework to illustrate ways of thinking about the ethical implications of designing a study and recruiting participants, taking into consideration different stakeholder perspectives. In Week 5 you will be able to apply the insights gained to a draft research proposal through a role play activity. To conclude, in Week 6, we will reflect on how it is important to show integrity as a researcher whilst conducting and reporting studies. This will include thinking about what might go wrong in a study and how these issues might be anticipated.

Get guidance on ethical social science research from the University of Leicester

This course has been developed by members of the University of Leicester College of Social Science, Arts and Humanities and is supported by an extensive set of resources for researchers on a website entitled Doing Ethical Research.


The importance of ethical thinking to studying society

What constitutes unethical research

What makes research worthwhile

What a researcher can do to maximise the benefits of a study

What is responsible research

Which legislation and regulations researchers should consider

What is respectful research

Showing sensitivity, empathy and protecting vulnerable groups in research

Ethical issues associated with ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ researcher roles

How researchers can feel confident that they are ‘doing the right thing’

Maintaining ethicality during fieldwork

Maintaining ethicality when reporting and disseminating


This course is designed for current or aspiring researchers in Social Science, Arts or the Humanities. You may have a research project in mind or one that is underway. It would also suit those with broader interests in evaluating research involving human participants, including those as potential participants.

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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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