
Mergers and Acquisitions: Advanced Theory

Explore mergers and acquisitions in greater depth, examining accounting and projections.

855 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 2
  • 初级
  • 英语


Identify the types of takeover defenses

Demonstrate how to disclose an acquisition

Identify the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of the Letter of Intent

Interpret the meaning of the First Offer

Explain the steps involved in the Sale process

Evaluate how to use an Investment Bank

Explore the seller's viewpoint

Investigate Contingent Payments

Summarise New Debt, New Equity, and Private Equity

Identify the M&A Finance sources

Explore the list of synergies developed by the Investment Bank and Buyer

Interpret the concepts of Affordability and Earnings per Share Dilution

Identify the concepts of M&A Financial Accounting


Following on from the first introductory course about mergers and acquisitions, this course looks in more detail at major aspects of the mergers and acquisitions industry.

You’ll get an overview of accounting and projections for mergers and acquisitions and learn more about financing deals. You will also spend time considering the seller’s viewpoint as well as touching on disclosure of acquisitions, hostile takeover defences and private equity.


This course is ideal for financial analysts and associates. It is also suitable for directors and managers who have transitioned, or hope to transition, to mergers and acquisitions from other areas, such as equities or fixed income.

To get the most from this course you will need a good knowledge of financial analysis and MS Excel.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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