
Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance: Gram Negative Bacteria

This course by BSAC is for healthcare professionals managing infections. You will learn about Gram Negative Bacteria.

661 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 3
  • 初级
  • 英语


Demonstrate a basic understanding of the microbiology of Gram Negative Bacteria.

Assess the occurrence of resistance - epidemiology and basic mechanisms of resistance locally and globally.

Identify and classify clinical infections associated with common Gram Negative Bacteria.

Evaluate the burden and impact of Gram Negative Bacterial infections on health and economic outcomes.

Compare the key objectives and principles of the treatment options available including the negative consequences.

Explore the basic microbiology requirements to diagnose GNB infections.

Evaluate the appropriateness of treatment agents - stewardship for GNB infections.

Summarise the current treatment options available.


Gram negative bacteria (GNB) are a group of bacteria that can cause infection and toxic reaction in patients, yet are difficult to differentiate and treat with antibiotics due to their structure.

This online course – led by experts from the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) – looks at this challenge. You’ll explore the microbiology of gram-negative bacteria, and find out how to identify, classify, diagnose and treat GNB infections.

You’ll also look at occurrences of GNB and antibiotic resistance worldwide, and understand the impact they have on health and economic outcomes.


The microbiology of Gram Negative Bacteria to enable diagnosis of infections.

The identification and classification of clinical infections associated with common Gram Negative Bacteria.

The occurrence of resistance - epidemiology and basic mechanisms of resistance, locally and globally.

The key objectives and principles of treatment, including negative consequences.

The appropriateness of treatment agents.

The burden and impact of GNB infections on health and economic outcomes.


This course is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for infection management.

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