Investigate current debates on violent religious radicalisation
Engage with different theoretical approaches that explain violent radicalisation and identify its causes
Explore the process through which a young person can be drawn into a spiral of violent radicalisation and extremism
Discuss what is resilience and how it is different from counter-radicalisation approaches
Compare specific approaches and experiences of building resilience within communities and countering violent radicalisation. Discuss whether and how they can be transposed to different settings (cities, countries)
Learn about how violent, religiously-attributed radicalisation emerges today in different parts of the world; understand why people are driven to engage in violent extremism and what resilience to it is
Through this course you will explore issues related to religiously attributed violent radicalisation, learning how to build resilience within communities and schools.
You will examine terrorist events, their consequences and the stories of the perpetrators. You will hear from key experts seeking to explain how people were driven to become radicalised and engage in terrorist violence. You will consider the definition of radicalisation and what forms it takes. You will then get basic training in how to develop a community resilience programme against radicalisation and terrorism.
What is violent radicalisation today?
What forms does it take?
How does it differ, and what are the similarities, between violent radicalisation in different countries and world regions?
This course is for social workers, civil society actors and practitioners, educators, journalists and interested citizens.
This course is part of the research project GREASE: Radicalisation Secularism and the Governance of Religious Diversity: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 770640. The content of this MOOC represents only the views of the GREASE consortium and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.