
Diabetic Eye Disease: Building Capacity To Prevent Blindness

Understand the diabetes challenge and how health professionals can work with people with diabetes to prevent blindness.

923 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 初级
  • 英语


Describe the classification, natural history, epidemiology and complications of diabetes mellitus

Interpret the classification, pathophysiology and epidemiology of diabetic eye disease and its impact on eye health services and society

Evaluate public health strategies for the control of diabetic eye disease

Describe and apply the principles of screening to diabetic retinopathy

Explore the models for detection of diabetic retinopathy and their implications within high and low resourced health systems

Evaluate guidelines for grading, screening and monitoring its implementation with the diabetic retinopathy care pathway

Identify the barriers and challenges experienced by people living with diabetes to manage their diabetes, and comply with screening and treatment

Assess treatment protocols and resources requirements for the management of Diabetic eye disease and its implementation at a programme level

Apply the planning tool to strengthen diabetic eye care services at a local level


The number of adults with diabetes is predicted to increase by more than 50% to 642 million by 2040. Diabetic eye disease is a range of ocular complications experienced by people with diabetes. Recent global trends have found an alarming increase in the magnitude of vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy, highlighting the need to strengthen health services to prevent blindness.

Through this online course you will learn the key facts about diabetic eye disease and its management, and how health teams and people with diabetes can work together to reduce the risk of vision loss and blindness.


Classification, natural history, epidemiology and complications of diabetes mellitus and diabetic eye disease, in particular diabetic retinopathy

Impact of diabetic eye disease on the individual, society and health services

Public health and screening for diabetic eye disease: principles, guidelines and implementation models

Partnerships and team approach to prevent blindness from diabetic retinopathy

Approaches to provision of screening and grading services

Treatment protocols and guidelines for diabetic retinopathy in high and low resourced health systems

Monitoring and evaluation approaches for diabetic retinopathy screening


This course is designed for ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, clinical ophthalmic officers, diabetes nurses, diabetic eye disease screeners and graders, public health specialists, eye health programme managers and planners, diabetologists, general practitioners and all health care personnel involved in supporting people with diabetes.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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