面向专业人士的爱德华·詹纳兽医领导力 2:培养领导力基础

Edward Jenner Leadership for Veterinary Professionals Part II: Developing Leadership Foundations

Develop the foundations of your leadership practice through understanding more about yourself and the impact you have on others.

1211 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语


Reflect on the use of ‘self’ and how we interpret and impact the world around us

Develop an awareness of personal bias’ and how to develop more inclusive leadership practice

Describe how the way we see the world around us impacts how we act

Describe the role of care in leadership practice

Explore ‘power’ and how it impacts how we show up in the workplace

Experiment with influencing styles

Model distributed leadership models of behaviour

Model adaptive leadership practices


With this second course in the Edward Jenner Leadership for Veterinary Professionals program you will explore how your leadership impacts others. You will also explore other key concepts like power in the workplace, leaderships models and styles and how you can be an inclusive leader.

This course will equip you with fundamental leadership knowledge and help your grow your leadership skill as a veterinarian, so you are more able to take on the challenges of daily life working in the veterinary sector.


An introduction to the method of study

Understand more about ‘self’ and how we interpret and impact the world around us

Understand your bias and how to develop more inclusive leadership practice

Discover how the way you see the world around you impacts how you act

Understand the role of care in leadership

Understand ‘power’ and how it shows up in the workplace

Experiment with influencing styles

Understand distributed and heroic leadership models

Develop adaptive leadership practices


This course is for anyone working in the veterinary sector but has been designed with newly practising veterinary professionals in mind. It will be especially helpful to those new to leadership.

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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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