
What Works in Education: Evidence-Based Education Policies

Learn what works in education and how to identify, analyze and implement evidence-based education policies that improve learning.

782 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 10
  • 初级
  • 英语


The latest proven policies in education

An applied understanding of which policies promote learning

Evidence-based reform

Successful cases from Latin America and the Caribbean and the rest of the world.


This course summarizes the main theoretical and practical research surrounding evidence-based education policies and delves into the key improvements and challenges observed in education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The course has been organized around five key features of successful education systems:

High goals for student achievement that guide all activities within an education system;
Access to high-quality early childhood and preschool development programs that prepare students entering the school system;
Effective teachers to improve learning and reduce achievement gaps among students;
Access and effective use of adequate resources in all schools to promote student learning; and
Ensuring that all young people acquire the skills necessary to reach their full potential in the professional world and contribute to society.

The course’s target audience includes those with interest in improving education through evidence-based education policies.


Module 1: Introduction

We will spend this moduleresearching the main issues of education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, while introducing the 5 dimensions of success in education policy that we will delve into in the following modules.

Module 2: High goals

Establish the need to define high-level student learning goals that guide all activities of the education system.

Module 3: Early education

To ensure that all students enter the school system ready to learn we must provide full access to high-quality early childhood development (ECD) and preschool programs.

Module 4: Effective teachers

We will understand why it is important to have high-quality teachers, and we will discuss the characteristics that a good teacher should have. and we will see how appropriate policies can help our region to improve teacher quality through an improvement in recruiting and talent management.

Module 5: Adequate resources

we will discuss how to ensure that all schools have adequate infrastructure, finance and technological resources and an be able to use them effectively for improving learning. We will also address one of the most important issues our region face in education: how to ensure that resources have a positive impact in most vulnerable populations.

Module 6: Relevant skills

We will discuss how promote education policy to ensure that all young people acquire the necessary skills to achieve their maximum potential in the workplace and contribute to society.

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  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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