
Vacuum Systems and Technology

Learn the principles of vacuum systems and their applications in modern technologies.

1769 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 3
  • 中级
  • 英语


Gain an understanding about working principles and construction of a separate components of vacuum systems;

How to design and calculate necessary parameters of vacuum systems;

Needed components for vacuum systems.


Vacuum technology is key to our high-tech society. It is is used for a large number of technical processes and products, including computer chips, nanostructures, microelectronic coatings and components as well as chemical and biological techniques.

In this engineering course, you will get a comprehensive overview of the construction and working principles of vacuum devices and systems to help you better design materials and processes .


Section 1. Vacuum theory

Vacuum application. Introducing on molecular-kinetic theory of gases
Molecular-kinetic theory of gases
Sorption phenomena in vacuum
Condensation and evaporation
Physical processes in vacuum

Section 2. Mechanical means of obtaining a vacuum

Mechanical vacuum pumps of preliminary vacuum. Construction, working principles and characteristics. Part 1
Mechanical vacuum pumps of preliminary vacuum. Construction, working principles and characteristics. Part 2
Turbine and diffusion pumps. Construction, working principles and characteristics
Ejector pump. Vacuum traps. Construction, working principles and characteristics

Section 3. Physical-chemical means of obtaining a vacuum

Ion and ion-getter pumps. Construction, working principles and characteristics
Sublimation and sputter ion pumps. Construction, working principle, characteristics
Sorption and condensation pumps. Construction, working principles and characteristics

Section 4. Methods of pressure measurement

Methods of total pressure measurement. Aneroid and hydrostatic vacuum gauges
Methods of total pressure measurement. Thermal vacuum gauges
Methods of total pressure measurement. Ionization vacuum gauges
Methods of partial pressure measurement. Type of analyzers and traps
Methods of partial pressure measurement. Mass-spectrometers

Section 5. Constructional elements of vacuum systems

Valves and gates. Construction, working principle
Leek valves. Construction, working principle
Vacuum feedthroughs
Methods of leak detection

Section 6. Construction principles of vacuum systems

Calculation of vacuum systems to select of vacuum pumps
Vacuum systems with diffusion and turbine pumps
Vacuum systems with ion and condensation pumps
Type of sealing


Knowledge of general physics

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