
Unlocking Investment and Finance in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs)

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, an estimated $4.5 trillion per year in additional investment and finance in EMDEs will need to be mobilized.  This free online course assesses global efforts and innovations by international investors, multilateral development banks and policymakers to unlock massive investment opportunities in EMDEs, while also tackling some of the world’s most pressing development challenges of our time.

846 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 初级
  • 英语


Learn from world leaders and experts in investment and finance in EMDEs. Featured speakers include presidents of multilateral development banks, and some of the world’s leading asset managers, investors and consulting firms specialized in investment and finance in EMDEs.

Access the latest information on investment and finance trends, innovations and results. The course provides access to cutting-edge investment and finance strategy resources, diagnostic tools, analysis and statistics on investment opportunities and trends, and progress with development finance goals.

Collaborate with thousands of investment, finance, development and policy experts around the world. The course provides a global platform to collaborate and problem-solve with thousands of investment, finance, policy and development professionals around the world.

Build your global investor and development professional network. Upon graduation, participants will be invited to join an international investment and finance professionals’ online network on LinkedIn.

Earn a World Bank Group – edX certificate. Upon successful completion of the course, receive a certificate of completion to add to your LinkedIn profile and resume.


Back by popular demand, join the 49,000 participants from 198 countries and territories who signed up for the first two editions of this course delivered by the World Bank Group. 

This course assesses how to unlock investment and finance of all kinds – international, domestic, public and private – including the $100 trillion in assets under management by institutional investors globally, to achieve the SDGs by 2030. Progress to date will be reviewed and participants will be invited to discuss additional actions needed to accelerate investments and finance in EMDEs.


Week 1: Scaling Investment and Finance in EMDEs

Understanding the global context of investment and finance opportunities in EMDEs.
How the international development finance system catalyzes resources from all available sources for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The business-model of multilateral development banks (MDBs).
Adopting a Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) approach.
Emerging trends and innovations in investment and finance.
Week 2: Strengthening Financing Strategies for Governments

The role of aid, public finance, and policy in investment and development.
Strengthening national government financing strategies in EMDEs.
Channeling domestic resources for strategic investments.
Strengthening accountability and transparency.
Tackling illicit financial flows.
Week 3: Unlocking Private Investment Opportunities in EMDEs

Sizing up investment opportunities.
Sources of private investment capital.
Actions needed to remove obstacles to investments.
Working with multilateral development banks to derisk investments.
Week 4: Building Robust Financial Markets and Institutions in EMDEs

How international and domestic financial systems affect investment and finance flows.
Incentivizing long-term investments through financial systems and structures.
The key attributes of a well-functioning financial system: depth, access, efficiency and stability.
End of course special project, summary of highlights and wrap up.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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