Interaction Techniques – how to engage effectively with team mates and others
Your Collaboration Style – what is your communication style and how can you engage with other styles in a productive and meaningful way
How to build virtual teams – you will gain valuable skills in collaborating with teams that are distributed across the world
How to lead within teams – You will gain the foundational principles needed to effectively lead within teams both locally and in virtual settings
Fundamental knowledge of how people work and interact together can make collaboration exponentially more effective. This course is designed to give you a greater understanding of collaboration and ways it can be managed in business today.
As cloud technology increasingly becomes the backbone of collaboration experiences, it is imperative to understand how people collaborate and exchange information. By understanding how people collaborate, you can best select technological tools to support those collaboration efforts across organizations.
You will learn foundational principles for interacting with others, how to define your collaboration style, effective methods for building virtual teams, and the methods to lead within teams.