
The Next Generation of Infrastructure

Explore the challenges and complexity of both global and local infrastructure (IT/Telecom, Energy, Water and Transportation) and how to make the best decisions to improve it.

1462 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 7
  • 中级
  • 英语


To diagnose the main challenges with respect to infrastructure (water, energy, transport, ICT) development for the future in a social-technical perspective

Decision making skills in a complex and uncertain world

Analytical and design support tools for improving infrastructures

How to discuss and explain challenges impacting and influencing global infrastructure


We increasingly depend on reliable and affordable supply of energy, water, transport, telecommunication and information services to improve livability and facilitate economic development. However, today’s infrastructure systems are drastically changing. They are becoming more and more web-based, interconnected and transnational, with increasingly fragmented public and private ownership, while new technologies are on their way. The capital need for investment in new infrastructures and upgrading of ageing infrastructures is tremendous.

During this infrastructure course you will learn to examine these challenges from a new, combined engineering and social sciences perspective. Subsequently we will focus on the challenges that complex adaptive infrastructure systems pose for governance, management and decision-making in a world full of uncertainties. In the last part of the course, we will introduce a selection of topics and tools (modeling & simulation, value sensitive design, standards, ICT-architecture) which will help you to improve the adequacy of infrastructure systems and services, while dealing with the risks and vulnerabilities of infrastructure interdependencies.

In our case studies, we will focus on topical developments and policies, such as sustainable energy transition (including smart grids), urbanization and its impact on infrastructures, the challenges of climate change and water scarcity, and the phenomenon of inverse infrastructure development (self-organization).

If you are interested or involved in the functioning of today’s and tomorrow’s infrastructures, this course is an exceptional learning opportunity, whether you are a student or a professional. You will be interacting with peers all over the world and we will present a large number of case studies.

The course is based on the results of an extensive and renowned international research programme titled ‘Next Generation Infrastructures’ (NGInfra).


Module 0: Setting the scene: the infrastructural challenge for the future
Module 1: The socio-technical complexity of infrastructures/key concepts
Module 2: Fuzzy borders: interconnectedness, interdependencies, bottom-up developments and need for standards
Module 3: Complexity theory and why infrastructures are complex systems
Module 4: Governance and regulation of complex infrastructures
Module 5: Modeling, gaming and simulation as tools for designing and understanding infrastructures
Module 6: ICT-architecture and cybersecurity: challenges
Module 7: Wrap-up: design of infrastructures of urban areas
Next steps: Actor analysis and problem demarcation


Analytical skills, curiosity about new developments, and an interest in the design and governance of infrastructures.

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  • Stanford-Open-Edx
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  • 中国大学MOOC
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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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