
Skype Operations Framework

Learn the methodology to effectively deploy and operate Skype for Business and related technologies.

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  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 中级
  • 英语


Describe the phases and stages of the Skype Operation Framework. 

Describe the various deployment scenarios in Skype Operation Framework.

Determine the appropriate stakeholders and their roles in deploying Skype for Business.

Describe Office 365 ProPLus deployment strategies.

Determine infrastructure and call quality health where Skype for Business is to be deployed.

Conduct workshops that determine deployment guidance and support client migration.

Create a site rollout and migration plan.

Describe the daily, weekly and monthly operational tasks of Skype for Business.


The Skype Operations Framework (SOF) is a comprehensive guide and toolset for implementing and managing a reliable, cost-effective communications service based on Skype for Business.  It covers the entire customer lifecycle, including planning, delivery, adoption, operations, and migrations.

In this course, you will learn the how to use SOF to prepare your deployment of Skype for Business.  We will demonstrate how to use the worksheets and preparation materials, so you can maximize your Skype for Business deployment readiness.


Skype for Business training available on or similar product skill.

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