
Quantum Information Science II: Quantum states, noise and error correction

Already know something about quantum mechanics, quantum bits and quantum logic gates, but want to design new quantum algorithms, and explore multi-party quantum protocols? This is the course for you!

550 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 高级
  • 英语


Density matrices

Noisy quantum operations

Advanced quantum error correction codes


This three-module sequence of courses covers advanced topics in quantum computation and quantum information, including quantum error correction code techniques; efficient quantum computation principles, including fault-tolerance; and quantum complexity theory and quantum information theory. Prior knowledge of quantum circuits and elementary quantum algorithms is assumed. These courses are the second part in a sequence of two quantum information science subjects at MIT.

The three modules comprise:

8.371.1x: Quantum states, noise and error correction
8.371.2x: Efficient quantum computing – fault tolerance and algorithms
8.371.3x: Quantum complexity theory and information theory
This first 8.371.1x course module will cover in depth density matrices and noisy quantum operations, and advanced quantum error correction codes.

A prior course (or strong background) in quantum mechanics is required.  Knowledge of linear algebra is also strongly recommended, and other helpful math topics to know include probability and finite fields.

This course has been authored by one or more members of the Faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its educational objectives, methods, assessments, and the selection and presentation of its content are solely the responsibility of MIT. 

For more information about MIT’s Quantum Curriculum, visit quantumcurriculum.mit.edu.


Calculus and linear algebra

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