
Organism resources development (for people with limited health abilities)

The course “Organism resources development” is aimed at skills acquisition for mobilizing and optimizing the student’s individual capabilities. A person suffers maximum tension and stress during growing up, which can lead to a motivation and efficiency decrease, nervous breakdown. The students’ adaptation process is a serious trial for the organism.

1213 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 16
  • 初级
  • 英语


The “Organism resources development” discipline studying purpose is to acquire skills for mobilizing and optimizing the student’s individual capabilities. A person suffers maximum tension and stress during growing up, which can lead to a motivation and efficiency decrease, nervous breakdown. The students’ adaptation process is a serious trial for the organism.

The content of the discipline provides with:

1. Stress tolerance skills formation. Discipline includes practical guidelines for managing breathing, muscle tone and visualization skills.

2. Adaptation process mechanisms understanding. Knowledge of the adaptation process stages allows to estimate one’s own dynamics, develop a more effective adaptation concept, predict possible risks and problem situations. The discipline reflects students’ characteristics, focuses on social adaptation features of the people with disabilities in higher educational institutions.

3. Brain resources development. Memory, attention and mindset indicators reduce in a stressful situation. The students are invited for rapid examinations undergo for described indicators existence detection. Further, students will be able to independently conduct a training course, using practical recommendations for brain resources development. At the end, participants will have re-examination and compare indicators with input data.


Discipline "Organism resources development" includes sections:

Stress tolerance and conscious self-control mechanisms.
Adaptation process basics.
Brain resources development.
Successful employment features.

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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