Algebra/trigonometry skills for an advanced Mechanics course
Kinematics of motion with constant acceleration
Newton’s laws and their application in problem-solving
Laws of conservation of energy and momentum and their application in problem-solving
Basic information about AP® Physics C (Mechanics) course and Exam
This short course is intended for the high-school students who have taken an introductory-level physics course, acquired some background in Mechanics and intend to take a more advanced course – for instance, AP Physics C. The course helps the students refresh and strengthen their fluency with the mathematical tools and the fundamental topics in Mechanics: Kinematics, Newton’s laws and Laws of Conservation. The last unit of the course contains a comprehensive Final Exam. The students who completed this mini-course will be well-prepared to tackle more advanced course material in the fall.
Learn more about our High School and AP* Exam Preparation Courses
* Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings.
Background in intro-high-school level Mechanics
Fluency with basic algebra, trigonometry and vector operations.