物理学导论 1:力学和波

Introductory Physics — Part 1: Mechanics and Waves

Grasp physics from everyday experience. This course covers the basics of Newtonian mechanics, including oscillations and wave phenomena.

1348 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 初级
  • 英语


Key concepts of force, including various forms of force and how friction works

Key concepts of motion, including: Newton's three laws of motion, kinematics for the motion of an object (velocity and acceleration), uniform circular motion and its simple applications, oscillatory motion and simple harmonic oscillations

Key concepts of waves, including: their properties with a focus on sound waves, interference and diffraction of waves, and stationary waves and resonance


Course videos are presented in Korean with English subtitles.

Physics is considered as one of the most difficult subjects in science. Often, physics lectures are flooded with heavy formulae, including calculus. In this course, efforts have been made to help students feel physics in addition to learning. Using minimal algebra without calculus, most of the key concepts in classical mechanics have been explained. Various real physics demonstrations also help students to grasp physics from everyday experience.

034.005-1x is the first part of “Introductory Physics (034.005)”, which is taught to the first year undergraduate students of Seoul National University. The course covers the basics of Newtonian mechanics including oscillations and wave phenomena. The second part, focusing on fluid dynamics and thermal physics, will be offered in Fall of 2014.



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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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