
Introduction to Economics: Microeconomics

Learn the basics of microeconomics, including supply and demand of commodities and how equilibrium in the market affects price.

1037 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 7
  • 初级
  • 英语, 韩语


Basic economic concepts and elementary analytical skills

How to analyze the choices of consumers, firms and government

How to determine demand and supply of commodities

The derivation of equilibrium in the market and its affect on price


A country’s economy consists of three major economic agents; consumers, firms and government. Analyzing the choices made by these economic agents is one of the main subjects of microeconomics.

In this economics and finance course, you will learn how the decisions made by economic agents are represented in the market as demand and supply of commodities. You will also learn about equilibriums in the market, which is when the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. The derivation of this equilibrium is another main focus of microeconomics. By deriving an equilibrium in a market, we can see at which level the price will be and how much of a transaction will occur.

Since this is an introductory economics course at the most elementary level, no prior knowledge of economics is needed. Anyone who is interested in economics is welcome to take this course.


Week 1: What is Economics?
Week 2: Demand, Supply and an Equilibrium in the Market
Week 3: Choices of Consumers and Firms
Week 4: Commodity Markets and Competition
Week 5: Factor of Production Markets and Income Distribution
Week 6: Game Theory and Information Economics
Week 7: Markets and Government



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