
Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations

Learn how to transform your organization using the principles and practices of DevOps.

1041 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 10
  • 初级
  • 英语


Explain the need to do DevOps.

Understand the DevOps foundations, principles, and practices.

Understand, analyze, and map value streams.

Explain and implement the deployment pipeline.

Illustrate the concept of Continuous Delivery.

Create a problem solving culture.

Explain the concepts of blameless postmortems.

Monitor meaningful infrastructure and business metrics.

Converge change management and DevOps.

Understand how resilience engineering and safety culture are critical to DevOps success.

Create a learning organization.


Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations aims to help you develop a good working knowledge of the concept of DevOps, covering the foundation, principles, and practices of DevOps. This course will focus on the successful patterns used by high performance organizations over the past 10 years.

The core structure of this course is organized around the three basic principles of DevOps, otherwise known as the “Three Ways”. The “Three Ways” outline the values and philosophies that guide DevOps processes and practices:

The First Way – This is a set of principles and practices that accelerate the delivery of IT services. Much of the material covered in this section will focus on Continuous Delivery and the extended principles and practices that lead to an accelerated flow.
The Second Way – This is a set of principles and practices that amplify feedback loops. In this section we will cover the concepts of creating a problem solving culture, as well as understanding monitoring, as it applies to DevOps. A significant portion of this section will also include monitoring business metrics, and will also explain how change management applies to DevOps.
The Third Way – The patterns discussed in this section cover the concepts of organizational learning and safety culture. Items like blameless postmortems, resilience engineering, and systems thinking as they apply to DevOps will be covered in this course.

The goal of this course is to cover an extensive study of all of the DevOps principles and practices known to date, such that you can create transformative DevOps initiatives with incredible outcomes. This course also sets up the foundation for implementing the tools and technology that will be needed for further success and execution of a DevOps transformation.

If you are a manager or a practitioner looking for guidelines on how to start transforming organizations, this course is for you. Upon completion, you should have a good understanding of the foundation, principles, and practices of DevOps. You should be able to continue your progress for an organizational transformation using the acquired skills set.


Welcome & Introduction
Chapter 1: Why Do DevOps?
Chapter 2: Understanding the Value Stream
Chapter 3: Getting Started with DevOps
Chapter 4: The First Way - Accelerate Flow
Chapter 5: The Second Way - Amplify Feedback Loops
Chapter 6: The Third Way - Accelerate Learning
Final Exam



Kim, G., Behr, K., and Spafford, G. (2013). The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win. IT Revolution Press.
Kim, G., Humble, J., Debois, P., and Willis, J. (2016). The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations. IT Revolution Press

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