
Injury Prevention for Children & Teens

Injuries are the #1 cause of death among children and teens. This course lays a foundation for the prevention of child and teen injuries.

1001 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 5
  • 初级
  • 英语


Key concepts for successful injury prevention in children and teens, including Advocacy at both the local and national levels

Intentional injury prevention including Bullying, Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, Firearm Injury, and Suicide Prevention

Transportation Safety, including child safety seats and teen driving

Sports Concussion

The Opioid Epidemic and Adolescent Substance Use


Injuries, such as motor vehicle crash, youth violence, and suicide, are the leading cause of child and adolescent death. However, almost all of these injuries can be prevented through the widespread application of evidence-based practices and policies.

Public health experts, nurses, physicians, social workers, teachers, child care providers, and parents all play a vital role in pediatric injury prevention. Despite its impact, very little training on injury prevention science currently exists.

This course lays a broad foundation for pediatric injury prevention and will increase your understanding of this major public health issue through powerful, concise, up-to-date lectures, interviews, and demonstrations from a multidisciplinary panel of nationally-recognized injury prevention experts.

This course is designed for multiple fields and levels of training, including healthcare, kinesiology, public policy, social work, pharmacy, dentistry, and psychology. The course is also appropriate for educators, coaches, child care providers, and parents.

As a learner, you will have the ability to select all modules or individual topics that interest you most. Comprised of 8 modules, this course may be taken from the comfort of your home or office, and you can learn at your own pace.

Physician/Nurse CME
The University of Michigan Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Michigan Medical School designates this enduring material for a maximum of 25.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Please click this link for more information on FREE CME credits.

If you have any questions about the CME process, please email UMInjuryCenter@umich.edu.


Module 1: Welcome

Module 2: Introduction to Child & Adolescent Injuries
Introduction to injury definition, social determinants of health, risk and promotive factors, injury theory, and theories of behavioral change

Module 3: Intentional Injuries
Peer violence and bullying, dating and sexual violence, firearm safety, suicide prevention, child maltreatment

Module 4: Transportation Safety
Infant and child passenger safety, teen driving, vulnerable road users

Module 5: Sports Injury Prevention
Concussion definition and incidence; the acute and persistent effects of concussion

Module 6: Adolescent Substance Use and Injury
Alcohol and cannabis use and injury among adolescents; the opioid epidemic

Module 7: Early Childhood Unintentional Injury
Factors, techniques, and messaging for burn prevention in children

Module 8: Injury Prevention Advocacy
Effective advocacy techniques and tools for policy change



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