
Health Informatics: The Cutting Edge

Some of the key focus areas for health informatics research and development

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  • 完成时间大约为 5
  • 初级
  • 英语


Working familiarity with the major health care data standards

Awareness of the web-based tools for accessing the data standards

HL7 as the global health care interoperability standards organization

HL7 interoperability standards history

The HL7 interoperability standards that preceded FHIR

The FHIR interoperability standard

The SMART on FHIR EHR connected app platform

Familiarity with web based tools for learning and utilizing FHIR and SMART on FHIR


Adopting digital health records and sharing the data they contain is a critical step forward. However, since successful management of chronic disease must involve patients, using informatics tools and systems to engage them is now a major area of focus for academic and industry research and development. Much of our focus so far has been on the care of patients one at a time. Another major area of research and development involves the aggregation of data from large groups of patients to understand population (or public) health issues such as the factors external to traditional medicine that cause disease and that impact on our ability to treat it. Finally, digital health data is increasingly being used for research on methods to deploy predictive analytics to improve the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as to run hospitals and health systems more cost effectively.


Lesson 1 - mHealth

1.1 -The Role of Patients

1.2 - Does it Work?

1.3 - The Food and Drug Administration

1.4 - AliveCor

1.5 - AliveCor Video

1.6 - Device and App Interoperability

1.7 - Personal Connected Health Alliance

1.8 - Open mHealth

1.9 - Open mHealth Tools

1.10 - HealthKit

1.11 - mHealth in the Third World Dr. Gary Clifford Interview

1.12 - mHealth Apps Dr. Felipe Lobelo Interview

1.13 - Behavioral Imaging Dr. Jim Rehg Interview

mHealth Activity

Lesson 2 - Public and Population Health

2.1 - What is Public Health?

2.2 - The CDC's Role in Public Health Dr. Chelsea Richards Interview

2.3 - National Syndromic Surveillance System (Paula Yoon, Michael Coletta)

2.4 - Death on FHIR (Paula Braun, Ryan Hoffman)

2.5 - Pediatric Obesity (Dr. Aly Goodman, Paula Braun)

2.6 - Medication Adherence Carmen Clelland Interview

2.7 - Chronic Disease Management: Food Purchasing Data

2.8 - Population Health

2.9 - Wellcentive Interview

2.10 FHIR Bulk Data Protocol

Lesson 3 – Health Data Analytics

3.1 - Healthcare Data at Scale

3.2 - Big Data Defined

3.3 - Real World Data

3.4 - Data Aggregation

3.5 - Different Questions and Methods

3.6 - EHR Analytics Dr. Jimeng Sun Interview

3.7 - Children with Complex Chronic Conditions

3.8 - i2b2 Introduction

3.9 - i2b2 Based Federation Research

3.10 - Genomics Federated Research Networks

3.11 - Data Driven Post Appendectomy Care Dr. Jason Zutty Interview

3.12 - OHDSI Tools Dr. Jon Duke Interview 2

3.13 - Sepsis Prediction Dr. Shamim Nemati Interview

i2b2 Activity

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